PlayingGoFish 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its easy to know this is fake because no one in the crowd has purple/pink/green hair. No tattoos. No ugly fat people.

Clearly AI generated as the Kamala crowd I know of, does not look anything like these people.

Plus there are people in red shirts at the front of the crowd who are like 10 feet tall.

PlayingGoFish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good points.

Hope that guy figures it out. He seems rather emotional... probably losing it all on NVDA and his AI god.

PlayingGoFish 3 points ago +3 / -0

Or just a couple lines of code in a dominion machine similar to this: IF Result == Donald.J.Trump THEN Donald.J.Trump ++ 1 && Kamala.Harris ++ 1.05

IF Result == Kamala.Harris THEN Kamala.Harris ++ 1 && Donald.J.Trump -- 0.05

PlayingGoFish 2 points ago +2 / -0

What would be the point of Q to come back? Q already told us, they had it all and it was check mate. Only reason Q would return is if they in-fact didnt have it all and it wasn't check mate.

I will keep my hopes high and say it is finished and we already won.

PlayingGoFish 2 points ago +4 / -2

Possibly... but the real question you should be asking is which year?

PlayingGoFish 5 points ago +5 / -0

Let me know when these social media sites who purged us in 2020, decide to purge these accounts for spreading hate speech and inciting violence. I will wait.

PlayingGoFish 4 points ago +4 / -0

Scare event necessary? You sound scared.
This is only the start I have a feeling we see more scare events coming... The deep state is going to go diabolical from here on out.

PlayingGoFish -1 points ago +2 / -3

The guy has like double zero gauged ears.
The shooters ears do not have gauges in them.

No way they are the same person.

PlayingGoFish 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is Trump the one laying down behind the podium with a glock on his waist?

PlayingGoFish 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now that CNN and other msm is reporting on Bidens lack of fitness to serve as POTUS, how about we expand to the rest of the worthless politicians such as John Fetterman. There are plenty of mentally challenged dominion selected, unelected vegetables in office that need spotlights shined on them.

PlayingGoFish 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump needed immunity for what is to come next. He is the current POTUS and this ruling allows him to start to finish the game by exposing devolution.

PlayingGoFish 1 point ago +1 / -0


This is manufactured to get people hyped up to replace Biden with ANYONE! Especially with the SCOTUS deciding on Presidential immunity.

When SCOTUS says POTUS has no immunity... they will have Biden 25thd and he will be pardoned by Kamala for all of his crimes.

But before that, they will lock Trump in prison with these criminal prosecutions and claim Trump is now ineligible to be POTUS... and at that point, Trump will have already received the nomination and since the democratic national convention isnt until August... that will give them enough time to swap Biden out for the next dictator who will be running against someone who isnt eligible due to some new DOJ ruling (albeit all illegally pushed by this illegitimate government).

PlayingGoFish 3 points ago +3 / -0

But the smartest man Biden knows (Hunter) is saying he should stay in the race.

PlayingGoFish 1 point ago +1 / -0

My 3.5 cents (adjusted for Bidenflation) is that all these libbys are clinching to Biden for now. Yes the media will turn on him and people will be outraged ...until, they swap him out. Then the last remaining libbys will cheer.

At this point the state ballots will have already gone out for Biden. He will be removed via some medical issue tho and it will be too late to send out new ballots so the party will claim do to a write in.

The write in is key as it will allow for an additional set of weeks/months for the states to conduct the steal by claiming they have to manually count all the write in's and it will take a lot more time.

In the end... Trump loses again via all the fraud.

PlayingGoFish 7 points ago +7 / -0

I saw a video a few years back where he hit the ball and it somehow went backwards, not forwards. Incredible feat.

PlayingGoFish 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good for you! I posted this right after the election steal and got heat for it.

PlayingGoFish 0 points ago +1 / -1

We still need scare event / nuclear war. Another 4 years sounds about right. Need to round up all the libtards and send them to die in Ukraine as well.

We dont even need Trump in the WH. He can chill in prison for the next 4 years while Joe rounds up all the commies and sends them to war.

Population will be begging for Trump to be released.

PlayingGoFish 1 point ago +1 / -0

What about Hillary?

If Trump committed 34 felonies in a document error to interfere in the 2016 election - what did Hillary do when she deleted a whole server filled with classified information, smashed laptops & cells phones and also assassinated Seth Rich?

Oh... remember when Comey said that no one would reasonably prosecute that?

But here we are on much less of an issue finding 34 felonies which could equal over a hundred years in prison.

PlayingGoFish 1 point ago +1 / -0

The boomer generation, born in the 40's - 60's had the stock market (S&P @ $8). Its $5300 today).

That is 600,000% gains in their lifetime.


Those gains were mainly made by devaluing the dollar. Cutting all the decent income providing jobs of their employees and shipping them to 3rd world shit holes to raise margins and increase their stock prices.

Boomers are all about to croak. FJB wants to tax all their capital gains taxes to death. May as well crash the market before FJB and the Gov get their hands on it.... Oh, they plan on taking their piece in the inheritance tax anyways.

How about we stop focusing on propping up 600,000% markets and focus on rebuilding America's production/companies where one can actually work to make a living wage, support a family, own a house, car etc? - All of that can be done with a strong dollar and detaching the economy focus on 'stonk' prices/valuations.

PlayingGoFish 32 points ago +32 / -0

Was thinking the same thing. Bye bye MarketWatch - You are now going to be owned by Trump, because you didnt e-file some documents.

PlayingGoFish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Throughout the drops, Q made it clear, that arrests couldnt start happening without a purge of the DOJ & FBI.

Look at post # 4153: https://qalerts.app/?n=4153

Look at those kill chains. Pretty much ends with 'Gag Order' and then what sounds like declass.

Maybe a bit hopeful but this might be the 'start'

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