JFK did create the ability for federal unions to organize. It was later codified into law by the civil service laws. Rescinding this executive order wouldn't change anything - it will require an act of congress. I know this because I used to think like you did - but then I researched it. Here is the AI answer you're looking for:
Rescinding Executive Order 10988, issued by President John F. Kennedy in 1962, would not automatically end unions in the federal government. While this executive order was a significant milestone in granting federal employees the right to unionize and collectively bargain, subsequent legislation and executive orders have further codified and expanded these rights. The impact of rescinding Executive Order 10988 would be limited for several reasons: 1. Subsequent legislation: The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 codified many of the principles and concepts found in Executive Order 10988 into law. This act established the Federal Labor Relations Authority and provided a statutory basis for federal employee unions. 2. Expanded executive orders: President Richard Nixon’s Executive Order 11491 in 1969 replaced and expanded upon Kennedy’s order, further developing the framework for labor-management relations in the federal government. 3. Established practices: Over the past six decades, federal employee unions have become deeply integrated into the federal workforce, with established practices, procedures, and legal precedents. 4. Legal challenges: Any attempt to completely eliminate federal employee unions would likely face significant legal challenges based on constitutional grounds and existing labor laws. However, rescinding Executive Order 10988 could potentially be part of a broader effort to reduce the power and influence of federal employee unions. Such an action might signal a shift in policy and could be followed by additional executive orders or legislative efforts to limit union rights. It’s important to note that changes to federal labor relations often occur incrementally and are subject to political, legal, and administrative processes. While rescinding Executive Order 10988 alone would not end federal employee unions, it could be seen as a symbolic move or the beginning of a larger policy shift regarding federal labor relations.
Don't worry about ANYTHING. Even if Trump loses this election and the whole Q thing is a total fraud, do not fret! Read your bible, and you will see that it is the Lord who installs kings. He builds kingdoms, and He tears them down. He is absolutely sovereign over all things.
And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he pursued after the children of Israel: and the children of Israel went out with an high hand. - Exodus 14:8
The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. - Proverbs 21:1
I my friend will sleep well - as I always do. This is HIS show - HIStory... And if you are in Christ, you can rest knowing that no matter what happens in this world, it's for good to those who love Him according to His Purpose! - Rom 8:28
More and more, I view our government like I view the Romans in the New Testament. Tyrannical, evil, and cruel. When I think of men like Walz, I think of men like Pilate, who saw no fault in Christ, yet still bowed to the Israelites and delivered Him to be crucified. He then put Christ between two thieves and gave Him a criminal's death. The injustice of it all, that spirit is alive today.
Yeah, sure, what you are suggesting is that Trump staged to have someone shoot his ear from 100+ yards away. You do realize that there is a picture floating around of the actual BULLET in the air? This is a mighty big accomplishment if this was all staged. I think you need to get reacquainted with reality.
Lincoln did not suspend elections: "We cannot have free government without elections; and if the rebellion could force us to forego, or postpone a national election, it might fairly claim to have already conquered and ruined us."
As I've grown older, it's become easier. The reason is because I've been the Lord's enemy, and I see more and more of my sin - more and more of my depravity. The only reason I love the Lord is because He plucked me up off the ash heap of depraved humanity. I know that left to my own devices, I'd be right there with the worst of the worst.
I agree. Our IT department worked overtime to fix all the problems. Had it not occurred, some serious infrastructure problems would have occurred in this country. I won't say who I work for, but I know enough that had we not fixed our code across all of our apps, the economy could have been ground to a very slow crawl.
I remember at my company all the money we spent converting mainframe code. Y2K was a big deal - but it was remediated successfully at most companies. Had nothing been done, a lot could have potentially happened. Even my own software I wrote had a Y2K bug that I didn't see until after the fact - and it broke my software. Catastrophic world scenarios might have been far fetched, but serious impact to business and the economy could have occurred had it not been for all the remediation.
Maybe so... I just want our President to do everything the right way. Doing it the wrong way could come back to bite him.