“ im Just a straight man that occasionally bangs dudes, that’s we I got my monkey pox jab” 🤡
Better to datefag than date fags
Lol no, I wish, but no
I meant played for the other team as in a homo not interested in a woman walking by in a red dress
Dude plays for the other team
Look what the Jews did to our Lord.
Nice! That is a gold mine!
Well we had a foreign born pres and have a current foreign born vp. So who knows if the constitution would actually be followed.
President Kamala McCarthy here we come
I wish we had good info about any such phenomena in say the 1800s.
They never made smig, friend 😁
Lignite, should have gone for ligma.
Undoubtedly a deep state pawn.
This isn’t dooming. You can be realistic and not give up.
Lula’s revenge
How is a corrupt institution going to purge itself?
Defund them, refund us.
these rights are inalienable because they are not granted by the government or the document, but by our Creator.
Hmm, hate their creator, hate the rights He gives. Makes perfect sense.
As soon as I saw that I figured this was going to get put down hard.
I saw a bumper sticker the other day - said “a population of sheep will get a government of wolves”. I took that to mean we are getting the government that we allowed (I didn’t say choose, I said allowed).
We have a team, just not in the government.
I would if I could wreck shit in the process
Estoy kekando 😂
Definitely having a coincidence