Q4theWIIN 0 points ago +1 / -1

I have many high level programming friends. They have been very pro-crypto until recently when new chip info was leaked. Unless the blockchain tech is changed very quickly, it is done. FYI I used to own/run a warehouse full of miners back when btc cost $300 a coin. I was also one of the largest investors in Paycoin before Garza bailed.

Q4theWIIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Much thanks!! Life gets boring without a little excitement haha I'll never say no to more prayers though :p

Q4theWIIN 2 points ago +3 / -1

Wouldn't Fink say BTC is going to zero if he wanted to buy it all up? Usually the pumpers project a rise in the value as they sell off?

Q4theWIIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Much thanks and Love Brotha! I've had the counties board of supervisors try to tag me with $5000 fines daily until I let them on my property and get permits for the dirt work I did that saved multiple towns during the huge fires in Nor Cal some years back. They will never step a foot on my property. Ended up on a livestream court hearing with the board of supervisors and their legal. Asked if I could record it and they said no lol. It ended with their legal pissed at them because they fucked up on parcels listed as well as incorrect infractions etc. Also helps that I know that one of the board members is moving large amounts of drugs haha they tried and lost. The county is super corrupt, but the public is very much waking up to it!! Continue to hold the line 💕

Q4theWIIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

The last 4 years have not been easy in Cali, but I will never be forced to leave and/or run. There are more Patriots here than people think. I've battled and I will continue to do so.

Q4theWIIN 6 points ago +6 / -0

Gold is the elites money. Silver is the peoples money. Dollar will become multi commodity backed for even more stability 💕

Q4theWIIN 4 points ago +4 / -0

The dollar will become commodity backed and attached to a quantum block chain yet to be released. This quantum currency will have stable appreciation and higher returns if it is locked in a savings account for a duration of time. All current blockchain tech will break shortly, the dump is coming. Quantum computers are too strong 💕

Q4theWIIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who here is afraid of flying lights in the sky? If your afraid at this point, buckle up cause this shit is child's play :p

Q4theWIIN 2 points ago +2 / -0

If the cabal was involved, they would not baby step exposure, it would start out with explosions and serious shit going down. This is a slow disclosure by WH to get people used to disclosure before it actually occurs 💕

Q4theWIIN 11 points ago +12 / -1

Practice better self control 💕

Q4theWIIN 4 points ago +5 / -1

We don't even need q posts anymore :p the fight is over!!! We did it 💕

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