QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

We arent armed to fight the left. We are armed for other reasons that cannot be named unless you want your dogs suicided.

QDay 1 point ago +2 / -1

To be blunt...

If we expect a GIANT DECLASS to come through the emergency broadcast system, the evil cabal would probably try and convince the world that if they receive said message they would turn into a zombie.

Fact is this psyop is probably to protect them.

Keep your phone on for the world changing alert. If you shut your phone off your probably already a zombie and brain dead from the psyop.

QDay 4 points ago +4 / -0

Radio and television stations are banned from playing the tone. If they play it they are fined 250K.

Also if they play it, they turn into zombies.

Also, the whole world is now dependent on following when a EBS will be tested so they can avoid it by turning off their phones. Good thing we are so smart and able to so easily defeat them by simply shutting off our phones. What a bunch of stupid leaders we have to think their whole evil agenda could be destroyed by turning off a cell phone hahahaha.

Seriously though, this whole psyop is the dumbest thing anyones ever heard. Nothing will happen, like usual. Carry on and ignore the nonsense.

QDay 7 points ago +7 / -0

Remember last year how 8-8 was significant. All the coms related to 8-8, back to the future 88mph, Trumps 88022 text number?

Well here we have 8 red hashes on the clock and Octo in latin means 8.

'Octo'ber 10th month of the Gregorian calendars name is derived from Octo, Latin for "eight".

Buckle up... this is the real 8-8.

QDay 5 points ago +5 / -0

All of it, stolen from we the people. No justice here. She should have been swinging a long time ago.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never going to happen. Millions of illegals will vote in 2024. This election will be so rigged it will be obvious. 300M people will vote. Watch.

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh and you have to convince all the people around you who have phones to also store them away from you.

Come on. Wake up people and stop with retarded posts.

QDay 23 points ago +23 / -0

These FEMA tests and frequency turning people into zombie posts are soooo dumb.

If they really had the power to send a frequency out and instantly fry people... why would they have to stage it in a FEMA alert test? Why wouldnt they just flip the switch on their own timing vs concealing it in a test?

And you think if this technology is in existence, your gonna be surviving it by simply turning off your phone for a couple hours?

So freaking dumb people. Use your brains.

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are missing it.

If internet goes down for the world... well a handul of miners can hijack the whole ledger and your coins go bye bye.

QDay 0 points ago +2 / -2

No sauce with any of that in relation to some website that you claim is the sauce of all of your speculation.

Once upon a time, Tulips were worth thousands of ounces of gold.

When the world stops accepting paper, let me know.

When the world changes to reflect any notion of what is being expressed, let me know.

Nothing has changed because of that website and it is more likely a glitch in their update then anything else. If you find an official source stating anything id love to see it but like i said there is nothing authentic with your claims.

QDay -1 points ago +3 / -4


Ive seen plenty of these posts highlighting it. No body brings any sauce except-look this website has an update where the world is saved.

Good story. But there is no sauce in a random website pointing to something that clearly isnt reality.

QDay -2 points ago +3 / -5

I have a large stack of silver and gold. I will happily sell it to you for half of what that website says its worth.


Yeah, didnt think you'd do that. Because its fake and ghey and you know it.

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wait until the internet blackout happens and find out how secure your digital assets are.

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

'Projected Price' - Nope.

It clearly says that it is the divided amount of 5 year production of Gold divided by the money supply. That is not really a good indicator for projection. Gold being produced is influenced by price. If there is a low price, production of said Gold/Silver is low as only the easiest Gold is mined. Exploration and investment into new projects is low.

If price goes up, more is mined. Its economics 101.

To say that production to money supply means it is equal to xyz is dumb. It is equal to what someone will pay for it.

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yep. Exactly.

They will pull this card to stop anymore Truth from coming out against Biden crimes.

News cycle will be non stop Republicans are terrorists holding the country hostage... not a peep about the POTUS Biden being a traitor.

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