QDay 4 points ago +4 / -0

You have to wonder when the day will come when the Military decides to step in, we must be close.

Still nothing from the J6 pipe bomber. Still nothing from the car bomb that blew up GA Governor Kemps, Son in Law. Now we have congress being sent white powder. Trump sent white powder. SCOTUS evacuated today due to some threat.

That is a lot of 'incidents' happening.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im in the camp that the vax was a bio weapon and those who werent awake will probably all die... might he tied to something else soon to be released - but it will trigger.

Those who didnt take it are the lucky ones and will be just fine. If you fell for it and/or werent awake by then, well you werent paying attention and your gonna learn a hard lesson

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is absurd that a man so loved by all had a bunch of commies steal not only his seat but our country. 300+ million people being held hostage to a criminal cartel. Right now every penny we are taxed is sent to Ukraine and used to line the pockets of these criminals. Essentially we are all slaves to an unelected commie dictating cabel.

If there is no reparations and justice for this... there is no moving forward. Ever.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Training their new boosted pilots, since the last batch all died suddenly?

QDay 15 points ago +15 / -0

In real life and not hiding behind internet apps - people are still afraid and/or too stupid to go against the herd.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. Even when we are right about things we are mocked and ridiculed. Most normies wont even speak to me and our kind anymore as we have been made out to be nutcases by the MSM.

Even in social apps such as next door, i recently called out neighbors posting about Pride events. Pointed them to LGBTQ+ agenda items to groom kids and was called a right wing conspiracy nut.

Only a few days went by and videos appeared of LGBTQ+ parades where the crowd was chanting "we are here, we are queer and we are coming for your children"... Still no one is on board with rising up against them.

I am fully convinced that at this point with the slow drips and propaganda news networks controlling the narrative that the only thing that will end this freak show is a civil war / revolution.

People have too much to lose though, and as long as they are fat, dumb and happy the commies will continue to steal and inslave them until they wake up in the darkest of hours.

QDay 8 points ago +9 / -1

My guess is that it will soon catch fire (commit suicide) or be smashed with a hammer

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

What was the case number - 22-1028 What is Q post 1028? 5:5

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is a congressmen not evidence?

QDay 5 points ago +5 / -0

Please follow the docket here:


No updates as of yet - may take until next week for more information to be posted.

My 2 cents and who knows what it is worth is there has been a PLAN relating to the Arizona elections especially with Kari Lake. There is a reason for Arizona to be a focus and that is because on Jan 6th 2021 the interruption / insurrection nonsense took place when members of congress were voting on dueling electors and challenges of Arizona. Arizona was the first and only state that made its way through congress that night before the event was deemed an insurrection.

The fraud claims at the time were that foreign interference took place and they needed 10 days to investigate it. It was the duty of congress to allow those 10 days to take place for investigations, but after they returned to finalize the fraudulent election in the midnight hours - they shut down all challengers; not fulfilling their duties under the constitution.

Looking at it now, well ARIZONA is the keystone. Kari Lake and a whole lot of folks have been documenting ALL the fraud taking place in their elections. WHY?

Well this Brunson case lays it out clearly that there was fraud claimed in AZ during the first contested state in question.

From the docket:

  1. There was a request by 121 members of the US Congress to remand for investigation the certification of not less than the Arizona selection of Electors of the Electoral College to investigate the legality and propriety of that/those delegation’s/delegations’ certification(s). That/those requests for investigation(s) was/were erroneously voted down.
  2. Those Congressional officers bound to the Constitution by oath have committed treason without force of arms by failing to order the investigation of the potential interference by Communist China as alleged by then-President Trump and/or the specifically alleged irregularities pertaining to the Arizona delegation as requested by a member of that delegation.


QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

It addresses both from what I gather from the conclusion. Remove them from congress and revisit the other Brunson case.


This petition is set forth in the interest of justice in protecting Brunson’s right to petition for a redress of grievances that needs this Court’s supervisory power to be protected, and to cure the national security breach as stated above, and to ensure the right of due process against the encroachment of the doctrine of equitable maxim is protected, and charging the Respondents who failed to investigate the allegations of a breach in our election by having them removed from office without further delay for the violation of their oath of office.


QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

I expect NATO to race into Russia / Ukraine immediately. We have been wondering what the FF would be to get the world to support NATO troops entering the war - this is it.

Can't have the worlds #1 stockpile of nuclear weapons to suddenly collapse... we gotta protect those nukes at all costs - queue NATO entry.

QDay 11 points ago +11 / -0

Fog of war that will lead to scare event.

Wagner group is Putins personal militia. Putin disappearing into the fog of war. Any assets that may have had access to his communications and movement have just lost their connections in the chaos. Putin also will be dark due to trust compromises.

Perfect opportunity to have scare events of nuclear fashion and let msm frame him for it as an act of being backed into a corner.

What will the truth actually be?

QDay 8 points ago +8 / -0

Trumps trumpets. (They all play them)

QDay 10 points ago +10 / -0

I like it.

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