QDay -1 points ago +3 / -4

He isn't 'knowingly' killing 2 billion but that will be the result of his endorsement of it. He will claim ignorance to this crime against humanity and pin it on the masterminds who lied and manipulated the data - even if he knows the truth... he wont be the fall guy - the pharma companies will, the deep state organizations (cdc, fda etc), the media, the foundations all will go down. Trump will claim ignorance and say he was following the so called 'science' which was proven to be fraudulent.

He is using 'their' system against them.

QDay 1 point ago +3 / -2

Why does Trump have gold fringe flags behind him!

QDay 1 point ago +3 / -2

This is a move to save humanity. The people have been being poisoned by vaccines for centuries. In the 1950's 1 in 10,000 people had autism. Today that number is 1 in 24 (mainly boys/men effected) The main factor - in the 1950's people took like 2-3 vaccines, now that number is in the dozens

If say 2 billion people die from the vaccine, no one will ever be vax'n up for anything in the future.

This move is to forever save humanity. It had to be this way. Devastating but eye opening so we no longer make the same mistakes ever again.

QDay 0 points ago +2 / -2

My theory AFG war was used to funnel billions of $ into misrepresented funds directly into politicians and special interest pockets. They have found a new way to rip people off and that is the COVID scam. No need to have money disappear via weapons, buildings, vehicles, clubs etc in AFG when you can misallocate billions/trillions via COVID that will never be able to be tracked.

QDay 2 points ago +4 / -2

She should already know they are illegitimate. Where is this audit report?!?

QDay 7 points ago +11 / -4

Wait until people start dyeing from the vaccines. We are going to have a defunct government with 65% of some neighborhoods dead.

I think it is time to start organizing in our communities for body disposal.

QDay -1 points ago +1 / -2

Great analogy I heard: There is a vaccine for HIV. It doesnt prevent you from getting HIV or spreading HIV. It can 'help' mitigate dyeing from HIV if you get it. Guidance is that you no longer have to wear a condom or practice safe sex since you have the vaccine for HIV even if you test positive for it.

QDay 1 point ago +3 / -2

Going through this at my company right now. Organize and resist! Its tough and the group we established is pissing people off. Management is furious at us.

Going to be interesting how all of this plays out.

QDay 8 points ago +10 / -2

Everyone has been saying things like this for months now. Fact is that companies are already asking for vax status and restricting those who do not have the vax from being able to work, then firing them.

Coming up is the re-education camps and forced vaxs.

Sitting back and enjoying the show is failing.

QDay -1 points ago +1 / -2

Let us see how the DS Cabal plans to screw him today - Happy Fri the 13th

QDay 4 points ago +6 / -2

She is one of many that their deaths will be in vain because the corrupt system will lie about the truth.

QDay 1 point ago +3 / -2

'if I were now President' ... grr

QDay -1 points ago +2 / -3

Needs to make some modifications and hold that poster board to the bat with barb wire.

QDay -1 points ago +1 / -2

My take Q is legit and the military is behind it. However, this is a tricky war they are facing.

The majority of the intelligence agencies are corrupt and they have been fractured over politics and influence.

Q's plan is to wake people up. The point being to avoid a civil war and having Americans attack one another over our differences. The youtube video on mass psychosis is accurate.

All that said, Q's plan can still fail. If we fail to wake up enough people there will be no action. Time is running out and I fear people are still not ready. At this rate we do not have another 3-6 months to spend waking people up. We are at the tipping point.

QDay 1 point ago +3 / -2

We all know the slogan about being Biblical. These times definitely are.

God has to WIN this battle. Even if everything is lost, God WINS the war and us pedes will be in heaven.

QDay 7 points ago +9 / -2

Propaganda is getting heavy and companies taking it upon themselves to force the jab.

I swore up and down I would never get 'you know the thing'. Being forced out of work is going to be difficult for me.

The persecution against the NWO is just getting started. We are on a fast track to revelations right now.

QDay 0 points ago +2 / -2

Thank you for this! This one will be hilarious.

QDay -1 points ago +1 / -2

On top of that, expect this analysis to go as deep as performing covid tests and syncing to your phone to upload all of your data, text messages, website visits to a central government owned database to track you.

At least for the covid testing those will be the new Soros & Gates backed PCR tests. If you test positive... bam vehicle wont start, bank accounts wont work and you will be 'required' to quarantine for 14 days. Great way for the NWO to lock you down, take away your freedoms and dictate your life.

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