Nearly all of them
Seethe more shill. People are waking up to how the game is played.
Are you a freemason? Will you denounce the talmud?
You have no idea what you are talking about. Try to lower your fluoride consumption.
I agree. The deep state communicates via gematria. Its everywhere. Gematria and anagrams. Language manipulation.
Gematria is a system for calculating the numerical equivalence of letters, words and phrases. This system is used to gain insight into interrelation of different concepts and exploring them.
Because the word has a specific gematria numerical value. The phrase "qanon upoad" also has a specific code. Heres another video:
Welcome to the future - Q Code Tyler
This new Q proof links Q post 3975 with the youtube and social media account Myk Hyn. Maybe some of you know Myk Hyn and have seen the name in the gematria calculator called gematrix. Myk Hyn has an odd youtube account with videos from 2012, some with titles regarding Q. Knowledge of the 2012 era Anonymous, Project Mayhem, Project 89, Cicada 3301, among other ARGs give context to Q and Myk Hyn. Project Mayhem was a project by Anonymous to unleash an AI named TYLER onto the internet. “TYLER is a massively distributed and decentralized Wikipedia-style P2P cipherspace structure impregnable to censorship. TYLER will improve where Wikileaks could not. In other words TYLER will be a Wikileaks on steroids.” Q is TYLER. I can answer questions and give more information on Project Mayhem, Anonymous and TYLER.
Video in Q post for healing and mind clearing
Myk Hyn gematria match
Myk Hyn solfeggio tones for healing
Myk Hyn 2012 Q video
Your name makes this post hilarious
Doesnt really matter if the genetics of the animals/plants is altered
where did you get those?
I search for terms and keywords on this site I get no results. I search the same way on /pol/ archives along with other websites and get results.
Jimmy Kimmels set is in a freemason lodge across the street from the hollywood walk of fame. These people are stupid.
the vaccines wont change him, he will change the vaccines
While facing assassination attempts (las vegas, seattle icbm), attempts to remove him from office (multiple impeachments and fake scandals), as well as deescalating global conflict (asia, middle east, latin america, europe) in only 4 year? We still have many years of fight left for this war.
Seems obvious its part of the movie leading to disclosure
They can still work overtime to prevent weapons sales for american civilians though
hmm, must be a coincidence then
Why is this stickied, there have been so many "trump bucks" scams going around on telegram since 2020.
Thats precisely why this trans movement is happening right after the incel beta male demographic grew. Its much easier for weak men to submit and become a woman than it is for them to gain strength as a man. Society certainly isnt set up to support that.
I wonder what kind of activity goes on there
Yes I believe so, married to Teresa Heinz
I think its safe to say they are stone cold psychopaths lol
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