Was Q around back then. I knew Obummer was a race baiter. I guess I didn't care about politics then. I was sick and tired of the Republicans allowing themselves to je walked all over, now I know why of course. When President Trump came along I was all on board with America First and him not allowing himself to be walked all over.
Someone just posted what she wrote yesterday. Let me see if I can find that. Type in holy spirit in the search and see of something comes up from yesterday. I am using my cell right now and search isn't working for me.
That is wonderful. I was gonna ask a question but I started doing some research on it. I have never heard of bio butter. I am taking Dr. Zelenko's protocol. I was previously taking Calcium +D3 but I stupidly switched to just a small D3 gel tab. So I accidentally cut out the calcium. My legs have been really hurting. So I haven't been on the calcium for gosh 2.5 months at this point. I am wondering if that is why. I switched to grass fed meet that I get from a place called Good Ranchers. It is the best meet I have ever had. Sometimes I wish I lived in farm country.
Sounds like we are a bunch of alt right, white supremecist, deplorable, big dumb duds. Maybe I will contact them tomorrow and ask for help. That was very funny.