I was really concerned at first because President Trump seemed to be making a lot of horrible decisions and appointments, but then I realized that he's intentionally making himself look bad. There's really no other way to make sense of some of the things he's said and done. I think he's weeding out the summer soldiers and fair weather friends. I've seen in my own life how many supposed patriots have turned on him. Same reason why he made the NFTs. Loyalty is the currency of the Great Awakening. I expect that when the storm hits, those of us have stayed by his side will be given jobs and leadership roles. I'm hoping for something on a state level, like secretary or LT Gov, but I'd be happy with something like a mayor or judge. I just hope it happens soon, I've been fired from a few jobs and it really makes it hard to find another. It's crazy how hard the Deep State works to try and make us miserable.
Yup, the battle is won, but there is a lot to clean up, still pockets of resistance. It will take years, and maybe even decades before the truth fully comes out. An organization that's existed for centuries isn't removed in just a few years. I think my grand children's generation will know everything and the world will be a much better place.
Wait, are we saying that the puck drop by a dog at a NHL hockey game actually is a prediction that the death of President Carter signals the beginning of the end game for the deep state?
Call me a little skeptical, but I'm not sure what this has to do with GAW.
The DWAC forums definitely think the outlook is good. If you're buying shares, well they've never been cheaper. I just don't hear much about it these days. It just seems like so many people don't really care about what President Trump has to say anymore.
Maybe this is to make the normies feel safe, so that when they come, they'll be more open to ideas. I like to call it, the back door Redpill. Nikki Haley doesn't need our support. If she wins the GOP nomination, then true patriots will rally to her cause. Even President Trump told her to go ahead and run.
What she needs right now is to gain support from the normies, those who are only half awake.
Either that, or President Trump was wildly successful and the DS is trying to spew propaganda saying he wasn't. Maybe the true vaccines was swapped out for some, but I think President Trump has saved millions of lives and we need to give credit where credit is due.
I just don't understand how President Trump could be in total control of this (and we know he doesn't just let things slip by) and yet all this happened.
Honestly, this seems like Deep State Propaganda. Something is not adding up here. I don't know everything, but I think they're trying to make President Trump look bad and hurt the 2024 election.
Hold on, that could just be DS propaganda. Of course he looks like an obvious shill because he's undercover. The cabal has written him off as irrelevant, which is what makes him so dangerous. For how often Sun Tzu get brought up around here, it really seems like no one has actually spent time reading and understanding what he wrote. This is classic misdirection.
I wonder if now is a good time to buy. I've realized that DWAC isn't going anywhere, so I'm selling off my shares.
I know some people are concerned about the ethics of Blackrock, but good returns is what makes capitalism function and is why we won the cold war.
This is a good example of why Church and State should be separate, because in England, the Anglican church is the state church, lead directly by the monarch. The UK really either needs to go full Democracy, or full Monarchy, a constitutional monarch is really the worst of both.
Yeah, I need to finish putting together my flag pole. Once its done, I'll have my Trump flag (original 2016 vintage) with solar powered lights. No matter what happens, everyone who sees it will know that we were right, we were ready, and anyone who pledges allegiance to us will be taken care of.
Here's a good example. Larger, more violent hurricanes are becoming more frequent. There are years where it spikes, but the trend overall is going up. If you cut out the vague speculation, I feel like most of the content around here would get removed. Somethings may not be objectively true, but they feel right and that's what's important.
If the DS did have control over the whether, they would use it subtly, sparingly. Anyone who tried to call them out on it would sound crazy, which is exactly their point.
Too many people are buying into it, and I haven't seen any legitimate statisticians debunking the official narrative. I think the DS first tried misinformation, but for a while, there was a lot of scientific articles about how climate change wasn't real. Then suddenly, it started happened just as they predicted and they're trying to make us look like idiots for doubting it. Some sophisticated Sun Tzu tactics being played here.
The Finnish Air Force adopted the Swastika in 1918, before the Nazis. And basically just kept it around until they finally decided to remove it in 2020.