President Trump should have insisted that he have his job back and have full run of the country. Man, I trust that he was doing everything he was suppose to, but sometimes it really feels like he fumbled the ball on some key issues and appointments.
Adrenochrome has been harder to source during the pandemic. It looks like the DS has used him for all they can get and have now betrayed him. You can see it in his eyes. I heard that the Covid vaccine actually neutralizes the effects of Adrenochrome, so its beginning to make sense.
She talks about it on the video in this article. She says people getting vaccinated are having metal stick to them.
This is MSM, but its the only place I could fine with the video. She says that metal is sticking to people who got the vaccine.
I don't know, a lot of the so called "proof" was very speculative. There was a lot of bumbling that happened in 2020. Every time I tried to show things to my family, they would often point out legitimate issues. I think I burned all my credibility with people with Cyber Ninjas and Mike Lindells symposium. Seriously, why were people hording the evidence and trying to drip feed it to us, its so frustrating.
No, they won't. Unlike so many liberals, they understand that building a country means that many will have to sacrifice. Freedom isn't cheap and all true patriots have to be ready to willingly lay down their lives to do whatever is necessary to make our country great again.
I work in clinical research
I think you need to get a new job. Research is fully infested by the Deep State and they're probably trying to convert you. Do you work with anyone who voted for Biden? They're probably a plant. We know the DS has its fingers in research because it seems like it is constantly backing the left agenda. They do this to make it hard to argue, because when you disagree, it makes us look unscientific. I don't even bother with so called "statistics" anymore, I don't think we can really trust anything besides our gut feeling.
But why would President Trump give such a stirring eulogy for a someone like that? I mean, if we viewed everyone who asked for money and did a few shady things the same way, we wouldn't have anyone to depend on, including President Trump himself.
The white hats know what they're doing. With enough data points and a correct algorithm, you can map out decay in a system and calculate the point of no return. My guess would be sometime in the next 2-40 months, though I don't have any special insider knowledge. Even if it doesn't happen until after the 2024 election, we know that the storm will remove all the corruption, even if that corruption has been elected.
McCarthy is a brilliant man, President Trump's hand picked leader for the House of Representatives.
The economy is teetering on the brink of devastation. Biden was trying to force the Republicans to fight so he could default on the US debt and blame the Republicans. This way he could start with a blank slate and make sure no Republican could get elected for the next 20 years. But instead, the McCarthy has pretended to cave. Biden now is sitting on an economic time bomb which is sure to cost the Democrats everything. I wouldn't be surprised to see McCarthy run for president one day with MTG still supporting him as vice president.
Even if Paxton actually did all 20 of the things they're charging him with, he should get to stay in office because of the work he's done for our country. Some of the best patriots are those with the dirtiest hands. Any money they may make on the side is fair compensation for having the courage to stand up against the DS.
We really need to back Boebert up here. We can't criticize our own, especially when we have so few friends these days. And was what she did that bad? If the left can let children see drag shows, I don't see why a heterosexual couple with a little too much PDA is such a big issue. Also, banning smoking indoors was a massive over reach of federal authority, it should have been left up to the states, so I don't think vaping is really a big deal either. Sometimes you have to protest the laws that are unjust.