Maybe the Galactic federation gave them the blue uniforms. But I digress. I first became suspicious when those astronauts were wearing Christmas decorations. As if a space crew wastes valuable real estate inside their space craft for Christmas decorations.
My partner says he and I are "grandfathered in" as hippies. (We were too young to be original hippies, born in the early 60's.) But I'm amazed by how many "original hippies" were so solidly supportive of things like the Ukraine war or getting the jab. Or wearing a mask. One friend completely flipped and said she liked Liz Chaney even! Most of them also seem to have TDS today. What happened to the original hippies? When did they become pro war? Are there and have there been far more NPC's in our society than we ever imagined?
That was a great video. It made me think of the Las Vegas shootings near the Jason Aldeen concert because I believe that story plays into when and why Saudi acquiesced to POTUS. There was a 'conspiracy theory' online (I use quotes only because most of the conspiracies become fact) after the incident which posited the gun dealer was a patsy who was killed early on by an assassination team which was there to kill the Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman, reportedly staying on one of the top floors. If I recall correctly, that top portion was owned by Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, O'Bummer's mentor and bin Salman's rival for power. After this attempted coup, Alwaleed was subsequently rumored to be de-monetized and hung by his feet for a long period of time while being held at one of the Saudi palaces but I digress. There was video of a security team with guns drawn walking a man who looked very much like Prince Bin Salman out of the casino, and the prince was dressed as if he was woken up moments before. He was wearing a t-shirt and shorts,not the princely attire in which we usually see him. Seems the sword dance ceremony happened not too long after all this. The senseless killing of all the concert-goers was allegedly done by part of the assassination team as a distraction and blamed on their patsy, the now dead gun dealer. The video also reminds me of when Trump said "I caught them all. No one else could do this." What did he mean by that? It certainly appears he knew all the stuff that's coming out all along. Like this whole thing was a ginormous sting operation. Is another 'conspiracy theory' about to come true?
As a former democrat who saw the light about the same time POTUS came down the escalator, I also want a refund for having been lied to for so many years. I never would have voted democrat had I known they all served Satan.
Please realize the KC Chiefs are from Kansas City, MISSOURI. KCMO is pretty far from Wichita, Kansas, where the plane originated. But to me, it's weird that Tanya Harding showed up on X 2 days before the DC crash, then they brought out a sobbing Nancy Kerrigan right after.
As a paranormal researcher (just for fun) I've seen and taken photos of orbs which look very much the same, albeit much smaller. The orbs we see in paranormal research don't usually show to the naked eye, but sometimes do. On Twitter, @Kabamur says the plasmoids belong the Galactic Federation and that this is part of disclosure. Galactic Federation is also supposed to be the biblical angels.
I remember at the time, in the UFO world there were rumors that President Clinton sustained a knee injury this same night. He was in Florida at golfer Greg Norman's house when Secret Service hustled him out of there in a quick 'Defcon 1' scenario. It was rumored this was how he hurt his knee, which I believe he had to get orthoscopic surgery for it if I recall correctly.
Some think when there is a lot of the white colored stuff, it means 'angel energy'. I'm not sure if there is anything to this, but I like to look at this website to see what it's doing and thought some of you frens would like it as well.
I did some appeals and still perma-banned. My "crime" was reposting a J6 meme they didn't like. But I made a second account.