RachelkillsBam 1 point ago +1 / -0

and making it hard for them to leave the situation.

How specifically did he do that? Because his only arrest prior to the Romanian one, was due to him getting rid of a girl that did not want to leave.

If he has gotten rid of cam girls, how did he make it had for them to leave?

RachelkillsBam 2 points ago +3 / -1

Tate is not a good person, but every Investigaton into him on human trafficking 100% turned up nothing.

Wire taps, taking his security videos, putting him in jail while the check his houses, cars, bank records and phones, etc have come back with nothing.

He may be mean to girls and an overall pornographer and piece of shit, but he never trafficked anyone.

Anyone that states that him having girls legally do camwhoring stuff for him is considered trafficking not only has diminished what the term means but take the responsibility off the women who voluntarily went in front of the cameras.

And then finally, if he 100% forced his girls to do cam work, why was he arrested for kicking out a cam girl in the UK? If he was forcing them and making them work against their will, why would he get rid of girl? It makes ZERO logical sense.

RachelkillsBam 15 points ago +15 / -0

MMR vaccine is actually banned in Japan.

There is something about combining all three shots that makes it so instances of injury or autism go up.

All three should be separated received if you receive them at all.

RachelkillsBam 1 point ago +2 / -1

With how utterly and completely corrupt the Romanian government is, if any of these cases had any merit, why is he out of jail? DICOT (by EU edict) wanted him convicted of something -- anything -- yet they could not?

  • This is the same government that accused him pedophilia of his own kids, removed all video from his house, bugged all his cars, bugged him home multiple times, and talked to every single woman in his life...yet they could not find a case?

If this supposed 15 year old's testimony is credible, why have the UK government not immediately arrested him once he left the country?

Going back to Romania, the same country that has arrested a Presidental candidate for the crime of winning...would not keep Andrew in jail?

Do some critical thinking here.

  • Why have multiple Judges asked for the prosecution to fully present a case after 3 years of this?

  • Why have all the women who he had been accused of trafficking 100% denied those allegations?

  • He has one of the best video surveillance systems in the EU. Should they have not found evidence of ANYTHING by this point? The footage that they have released shows just how many cameras he had there? Where is the evidence?

EDIT: Going through OP "proof" this is great example of gish-gallop!

Make a post with a lot of links to look like proof is backing you up, but when you actually look at the proof (most won't) there is nothing there.

OP is very, very mad at Andrew Tate for some reason. Where on the doll did Mr. Tate touch you? 🤣🤣🤣

RachelkillsBam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ya'll do know that Hamas took as many hostages as the could, regards of if they were Israeli or not, right? Why do you think Hamas has so many Thai men and women?

And since they were on Israeli soil, they would be considered "Israeli hostages", right?

RachelkillsBam 8 points ago +8 / -0

Her competition magically kept on dying and she magically kept being the only person to survive those ambushes/murders.

I am being 100% serious when I say this.

RachelkillsBam 10 points ago +10 / -0

Instagram and TikTok.

There are so many women I run into when I am outside the US where their Photos look breathtaking and beautiful, but seeing that same person in real life looks like a FUCKING ALIEN.

Everything is for the photo!

Even the shitty BBLs -- they PHOTOGRAPH WELL, but look absolutely horrible in person.

RachelkillsBam 3 points ago +4 / -1

His wife was his handler and him making her wear that dress and then drop all the anti-semetic stuff was him doing a humiliation ritual to her instead of the other way around.

Basically, saying that he is free (again).

RachelkillsBam 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now she can enjoy the Bugatti Tourbillion all by herself...

Corrupt pieces of shit. I hope they all get tried and executed.

RachelkillsBam 7 points ago +7 / -0

They not like us is a song that is saying that music/Hollywood AND Drake (representing Jews) are not like us. They enjoy weird ceremonies and was pointing out Drake always hanging out with Pedos (look it up) and hanging out with and grooming Minors (Millie Bobby Brown etc). This was the song that completely NUKED Drake from Orbit when he was feuding with Kendrick to the point where Universal had to step in and threaten to sue Kendrick because Drake and his OvO group (Minvera Owl) lost millions due to the feud.

Turn the TV off is about stop looking at the propaganda box

RachelkillsBam 5 points ago +5 / -0

The Chiefs losing was Satan's team getting beat by (American) Eagles (aka Patriots are in control).

RachelkillsBam 4 points ago +4 / -0

Obama is Indonesian, not Kenyan. Kenya is a red herring.

His father's name is Mohammed Subud of the Subud Worldwide cult.


RachelkillsBam 12 points ago +12 / -0

I going to give you a bit of push back on this.

When I was in the military, we had to go pick up some chairs ordered on our system from office depot.

Each chair was $500 USD.

However, the same chair was literally on the show room 2 for $200.

Verified that the show room chair matched the milspec of the chairs we bought for the ship.

Tried to convince the RPO to just buy the chairs outright using the division credit card and was told we either use the money in the budget or lose the money in the budget 😒

RachelkillsBam 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am convinced that Tranny Sparkles is an actual Hedge fund Plant.

"She" is an admitted FINRA auditor.

She has done interviews with Gary Genslar because she was considered harmless

She has been on multi Twitter threads and discussion threads with Virtu CEO Doug Cifu (one of the market makers who is ultra short GME) trying to cover up and hide any relationships that Ryan Cohen has had with BBBY and other companies. Also hangs out with other shills pretending to be pro-GME while shitting on GME holders with said Doug Cifu.

Was instrumental in getting a sub-reddit dedicated to Ryan Cohen's companies and acquisitions banned because she lost multiple debates with people on Ryan Cohen's Teddy plans and once outed, started claiming harassment.

Revealed or faked a neck tattoo on her neck showing the emblem of Fort Bragg two weeks before the New Orleans attack and the Cyber Truck bombing (both of whom were also stationed at Fort Bragg)

Sorry, but this dude glows in the dark.

RachelkillsBam 3 points ago +3 / -0

I always tell people that to be good "controlled opposition" you do still have to actually oppose the status quo. You just keep the discourse to the area where they want it contained instead of down paths they don't want you to go down.

RachelkillsBam 3 points ago +3 / -0


And it wasn't GameStop per se, it was Archegos (Bill Hwang) via his swap contracts making his leverage 1000:1 to short GME and a few other stocks that blew up on him and Credit Suisse in March of 2021 forcing the Swiss Government to bailout out Credit Suisse and merge them with UBS and then bail out UBS.

RachelkillsBam 1 point ago +1 / -0

What sort of problem do we have if police detectives simply will not even consider the possibility that it MIGHT be a psyop?

I am so late to this thread that it is not even funny, but New York state was sued (and they won) for not wanting to hire smart people to be police officers. IF you are too smart, the state of NY reserves the right not to hire you. So I can see how that can lead this something like this.

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