RachelkillsBam 1 point ago +1 / -0

The 2008 crash happened in October. I know because it happened on my Birthday 🤣

The after math of a (the) crash will extend into November. But there has never been a crash of the market in November in US history.

RachelkillsBam 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's never been a market crash in November in US history, so I highly doubt it.

RachelkillsBam 3 points ago +3 / -0

When you fake votes, you have to have a few fake votes for the other side to maintain percentages.

Hence, to get to 81 million votes, you need more votes for the other side as well, or it looks more blatant than it already was

RachelkillsBam 9 points ago +9 / -0

This is an example of Soft Disclosure.

It's also a way of them telling you what they are doing to you to avoid Karmic Retribution.

RachelkillsBam 6 points ago +6 / -0


Highly recommend that you drop AMC and roll that money into something else.

AMC was never a short squeeze play. The media pulled a switcheroo on everyone: AMCX (American Classical Movies Channel) was the short that everyone had, not AMC.

AMC was used as hedge stock to help the funds stop the bleeding caused by their short bets on the basket of stocks (which included GME). Further, AA and the CFO currently own no shares in the company.


RachelkillsBam 4 points ago +4 / -0

Barack Obama Sr. is not his father.

His actual father is Mohammed Subud of the Subud Worldwide cult.

Funny coincidence: Loretta Fuddy -- the woman who worked in the Hawaiian office that proved Obama's Birth certificate in was "real" -- was the only person to die in a plane crash that happened when hoping from island to island. She was also a member of that cult. Her name in the cult was Deliana

RachelkillsBam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Polk County? Probably yet another hooker and John bust.

Yep, read the article. Not Human Trafficking, just standard vice shit as usual for Polk County.

RachelkillsBam 18 points ago +18 / -0

Similar to having one of the largest mass shootings in America's history as cover for an attempted assassination of the Saudi Crown Prince.

RachelkillsBam 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you want the gaslighting of your life, go to the /r/politics subreddit. 🤣🤣🤣

They are literally saying shit like "Harris showed Brett his place" and that "He was going after her like he would never go after a Republican"

It's like we are living in two separate parallel realities. I was like WTF?

RachelkillsBam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mail-in ballots is how they cheat, and mail-in ballots is the only reason CO is blue.

Just like Oregon, Washington and Cali. Any state with Mail-in ballots magically turns blue.

RachelkillsBam 14 points ago +14 / -0

The government fucking with you and your families lives?

With the election being this close, why shoot? The faggots will be out of office soon.

At this point, a shooting helps Harris because those no good MAGA people are attacking the government trying to help.

Ignore that FEMA is actively sabotaging aid efforts! Ignore that FEMA is trying to maintain relevance (once people figure out they are more efficient at helping, they will ask "Why do we need FEMZ?"). Forget that FEMA was (purposely) late on the scene! It was them dirty MAGA's that did it.

RachelkillsBam 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm going laugh if this ni🅱️🅱️a accidentally creates time travel, but it's in the style of Quantum Leap and he has to fix shit in the time line 😂😂😂😂

RachelkillsBam 7 points ago +8 / -1

It's about accountability.

Women (in general) want to avoid accountability for their actions. Period.

Abortion is a tool to remove accountability. That's it.

Hence the ravenous harping for it.

RachelkillsBam 3 points ago +3 / -0


Look it up. It's the favorite (and cheapest) type of architecture favored by a certain people.

RachelkillsBam 6 points ago +6 / -0

Dons Tinfoil hat

Dons Tinfoil Underwear

Dons Tinfoil Suit

A crazy thought popped into my head today about Milton.

These evil fuckers that want us all dead believe in Quantum Mechanics and Laws of Reciprocity. They also believe in Karmic Retribution.

What if they want everyone to believe that Milton is Cat 5, to thereby Quantum Mechanically make it a Cat 5?

Like if we get everyone to believe it's 5, it will truly become a 5?

RachelkillsBam 5 points ago +5 / -0

Chevron took away the Federal departments abilities to make new rules.

There are still regulations on the book that are basically Grandfather'd in.

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