I wish I could upvote this more. The only thing you got wrong was thinking Obama was the mastermind. The Marxist coup started decades ago. Obama was the penultimate piece de resistance, putting things into place for Hillary.
That redditor has everything backwards. She sees her chains as freedom and is willing to do everything in her power, including resorting to violence, to remain in them.
I'm not sure one can reason with a person like that and change their mind. They already have the facts. It's their perspective which is skewed beyond reckoning.
Live and let live and may their chains weigh on them lightly is my first thought, but how can one live alongside someone who not only demands heavier chains but that others dare not free themselves lest there be blood? Those are irreconcilable differences.
In a way, all these illegals coming into our country are the chickens coming home to roost. UFC and CIA are two sides of the same coin; they want to keep South American countries as shit holes because it's easier to control them and steal their resources that way. Any plebe protesting against the CIA-supported government gets a visit from a death squad. If they're on the first tier of the justice system they get the Trump/Bolsonaro treatment.
Ok, so where's the explanation? She started the thread 5 days ago and her latest post is still about the betrayal in 2020-21 Let me guess, two more weeks?
I'm tired of people claiming to have some sort of insight then stringing people along. If you don't come out and say it then and there then as far as I'm concerned you're grifting.
I've seen it in the zero point energy community among others. If someone has legit groundbreaking info but doesn't release it to the public asap then they wind up dead. Those that are grifting get to carry on.
I don't know that fent was really a thing at the time, but basically yes. He created a website/market on the dark web where you could buy or sell anything. It was the ultimate free market. The feds didn't like that so they set him up, stole thousands of bitcoin from him and sent him to prison.
It used to be that Presidents self-limited to 2 terms out of tradition and respect for George Washington. Unfortunately, the Progressives have been chipping away at the soul of America for over 100 years, so now we need a law to limit the number of terms a President can serve. Trump can serve his third term the way Obama did. Behind the scenes.
Right. I agree. I was responding to the OP who questioned whether the image behind Trump had been flipped because the eagle was facing right when it usually faces left, towards the olive branch. If the image had been flipped, the eagle would be facing the opposite direction, but it would still be facing the olive branch or arrows, respectively.
No, I meant towards the olive branch. Take a look at the seal on the podium. The eagle is facing left, the same side the olive branch is on. If you flipped the image (i.e. looked at it in a mirror, or put a slide of it into a slide machine backwards), the eagle's head would be facing to the right, but the olive branch would also be on the right side of the image.
Is the movie Force 10 from Navarone?