Yeah... wait. What the hell...
(p)ANTIFA against NATO? Against the war in Ukraine?
That would mean they are actually protesting against fascists (like their name would imply).
I am officially confused. They have been supporting fascists all this time. What changed? Same thing with the NY Post all of a sudden writing articles calling out all the C19 + injection lies, etc.
This is interesting.
A shorter version is to simply do the opposite of whatever the government says at any given point in time.
It still pays to be informed (from alternative media) about current events, etc. Practice your discernment. Like everything else, you get better with practice.
You call them normies, I call them sheeple. I am pretty sure we all start out that way when we are young. Some of us grow out of it as we get older and wiser, and learn to start thinking for ourselves more and more over time.
I think hardship accelerates the "waking up" process... which is probably why we are going through this current period of time. It is necessary.
Yeah, that picture is a nice summary of sheeple. I think we all start out as sheeple when we are young, at least to a degree - but then some of us grow out of it as we get older and wiser.
That is one of the biggest lessons I have learned from all of this... that a majority of the people are literally sheep that cannot, or will not think for themselves. All they do is look for someone or something to follow - and blame them if things turn out badly.
Well then you will have to compare Mike Adams knowledge, background and expertise vs. Dr. Merritt's knowledge, background and expertise. Which one is more credible?
Regardless, I think Dr. Merritt's advice not to fall for the same scare tactics as C19 is a good idea.
To be more accurate, not really a "land grab", but a way to remove a lot of farmland from production (since they will say it is "contaminated", or something).
It won't work. Why not? The US has so much farmland we have to pay farmers NOT to produce anything, or the cost of the goods would be so low (so much higher output than demand) that it would put the farmers out of business.
If some farmland is damaged, other farmland paid not to produce anything would be brought back into production. This video also says that any contamination would be short-term worst case. Most of the chemicals break down quickly into less harmful components.
Agreed. Very disconcerting that it has taken SO MUCH to finally START to wake them up though. Sadly, they have gone far beyond being merely stupid and are deep into "flaming retard" territory...
Slowly culling these people with the injections (by their own free will) may not have been such a bad idea.... I don't know. Maybe.
Well, except for the part about natural immunity being the best protection possible, and that the experimental injections are a toxic bio-weapon that have no benefits and will eventually kill you... they almost got it right.
Agreed, mostly. The term kulak referred to a wealthy peasant farmer (sort of the middle class back then in an agrarian society).
After the communist takeover, they collectivized (stole) all the farmland for the state, and instituted a "pogrom" against the farmers, pretty much wiping them out.
There are differences between communism, which steals all private property for the state (no private ownership of property) and fascism, which is a partnership of a totalitarian government and big business... and does allow some ownership of private property.
The cabal is mainly fascist... and arguably "communist" china is actually fascist since the economic reforms of the 90's, etc. We are fighting against fascists worldwide.
The Nazi party was a version of fascism customized for post-WWI Germany... fascism is the more correct generic term that describes the cabal today.
Please explain why anyone should care what that scruffy turnip has to say... about anything? I'll wait...