Rahndo 6 points ago +6 / -0

Example Officer ranks:

  • O1 = 2nd LT
  • O2 = 1st LT
  • O3 = Capt.
  • O4 = Maj.
  • O5 = Lt. Col.
  • O6 = Col.
  • O7 and up = Generals (1-5 stars)

So he is saying anyone that is a Col. or higher needs to go.

Rahndo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some of the mods here are good - and others are complete garbage. When one of the bad ones suspends my account for some bullshit reason, I just create a new one. I don't care about any type of "Internet points".

I also end up spending a lot more time on TS and Twitter, and much less on GAW... so there's that as well.

Rahndo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those are rookie numbers. We have grown men pretending to be little girls... top that.

Rahndo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wonder if farmers (much like "doctors") remain baffled...

Maybe they will learn the need for some basic physical security - then again, maybe not. Other businesses will learn, and grow to fill the void (free enterprise).

Creative destruction... economic survival of the fittest. Any shortages will be temporary. Businesses that survive will be stronger, which is another silver lining.

by BQnita
Rahndo 13 points ago +13 / -0

Agreed. There are more good than bad. Anyone that thinks all of humanity is inherently evil is so full of shit that it comes flying out of their mouths whenever they say anything...

Rahndo 3 points ago +3 / -0

The difference between the virus and the injections are the viral load (number of spike proteins).

If people have a functioning immune system, the number of spike proteins in their system (viral load) remains small. A proper immune system prevents the virus from replicating out of control, and clears the virus from people's systems... after which they have natural immunity, clearing the virus even faster if another infection occurs.

Add in early treatments (the IVM, HCQ, D3, zinc, etc.) which hinder the virus while simultaneously boosting the immune system, and the clearing of the virus plus natural immunity occurs even faster.

The injections, in contrast, introduce a huge load of spike proteins many, many orders of magnitude greater than the average viral load of an infection... and then damage your immune system so that the next time a person gets infected with the virus, it is allowed to replicate out of control causing another huge viral load.

So, a viral infection is quickly suppressed by a healthy immune system, and causes little or no damage (most of which can be repaired if it occurs, the exceptions being the brain and heart).

The injections cause much more damage all by themselves, and then allow viral infections to also cause much more damage due to the impaired immune system not clearing the virus - allowing huge, asymptomatic viral loads (the igG4 problem, and so on).

Rahndo 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Seasonally adjusted".

I always wondered about that practice. Apparently they can pull whatever offsetting adjustment number they want, straight out of their ass.

This is such blatant bullshit (along with the unemployment rate that goes with it) that it is becoming clearer and clearer to more people.

Rahndo 5 points ago +5 / -0

This post brings up a good point. Is it possible for sheeple to "wake up"? All they can do is follow the herd. They do not think for themselves (can't or won't - not sure which).

So then the question becomes... how does the "herd" make up it's collective mind? I have always wondered about that.

In any event - the herd needs to figure out that Tik Tok is a bad idea. I have noticed that the attitude of many sheeple is that they don't care if data about them is being harvested. They don't think it matters.

Apathetic and stupid is no way to go through life... but that is how they roll.

And we are the ones waiting for these sheeple to "wake up"? It could be a very long wait... (the toxic injections as a possible scare event may be starting to have some effect though).

Rahndo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good observation. The OP has provided a really good definition of "sheeple". He sums it up nicely, and sadly it describes about 2/3 to 3/4 of the population (this is not new - various studies have shown this ratio of sheep to independent thinkers for decades).

A new twist added on top is the "perpetual children" phenomenon, which on the other hand IS fairly recent. So now we have large numbers of permanently childish sheeple. Lucky us...

Rahndo 4 points ago +4 / -0

I always wondered about that. It cannot be what the DS/cabal had in mind (predominantly killing off their own useful idiot sheeple, leaving the independent thinkers unharmed)... but that is how it is working out.

Rahndo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed. Notice, in addition to masks, they also had plexiglass shields? Time warp back to 2020.

That kind of ruins their credibility, but they get a pass for finally figuring out the injections cause adverse effects and illnesses.

by panamax
Rahndo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Two words: Rail Gun.

Rahndo 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. Numerous studies have been done going back many decades (back when science still followed the scientific method).

They show a roughly 1/3 vs. 2/3 split between independent thinkers and sheep. Some say it is more like 20/80... the exact ratio is difficult to determine accurately... but it is somewhere in that range. I am being a bit optimistic with the 1/3 vs. 2/3 split.

This is not a new thing. It does not appear to be learned behavior - it goes deeper than that. The 2/3 or 3/4 of the people are simple followers that do not think for themselves (possibly cannot think for themselves). I don't know why this is.

by BQnita
Rahndo 16 points ago +16 / -0

Nope... it is from one of the best trolls of all time... a Chinese plane came in for a landing, crashed, and caught on fire. Most people were OK. Afterward, the list of the crew read on a local news broadcast was:

  • Captain Sum Ting Wong
  • Wi Tu Lo
  • Ho Li Fuk
  • Bang Ding Ow

You can still find the news broadcast on the Internet if you search for it. Best. Troll. EVAR.

Rahndo 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is a good article, and it makes a lot of sense. The data is a form of "proof", which is a core component of the scientific method.

Following the scientific method and focusing on proof is an extremely good idea in many aspects of life... especially when so many people and organizations are lying about literally everything, 7 x 24 x 365.

Rahndo 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is helpful to remember that "the masses" are sheeple. They will ALWAYS be sheeple. The DS/cabal refer to them as "cattle" for a reason.

The sheeple have not and will never be able to think for themselves... at least, it sure seems that way. The best that can happen is if they are forced to face the fact that the leaders, political party, etc. that they have been following are evil and are actively trying to kill them.

They will then need a new leader and a new party to follow. ALL THEY CAN DO IS FOLLOW. They will never be independent thinkers. They really are NPC's.

by BQnita
Rahndo 23 points ago +25 / -2

Chinese business partners:

  • Sum Ting Wong

  • Ho Li Fuk

  • Bang Ding Ow

Rahndo 5 points ago +6 / -1

The reading comprehension skills of people on this site are so low as to be almost non-existent.


None of this has happened yet. It MAY happen, or it may not. We don't know at this point in time. The DS/cabal will fight against this with everything they have, for obvious reasons.

We all hope that Thailand will follow through, ASAP.

Rahndo 7 points ago +7 / -0

Exactly. The polls are garbage, but the results are still interesting. The fact that their polls are invariably skewed toward the left may actually be helpful in this case.

The injections are also heavily skewed toward the left end of the political spectrum. It makes sense that libtard zombies are the ones noticing that people they know are starting to die suddenly, etc. It has to be dawning on them that they themselves could be next.

Rahndo 12 points ago +16 / -4

There are threads on Twitter that help explain these extremely evil actions.

Basically, the Nazis were not destroyed at the end of WW2. They went underground, into hiding. They spread out to the Ukraine, South America, and elsewhere. Some were brought to the US to serve in various roles in the US government.

What we are fighting today is quite literally Fascism that has been metastasizing behind the scenes ever since WW2.

That explains why the evil actions today seem similar to the actions of the Nazis so long ago...

Rahndo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well, good guess, but they have already done that.

All mRNA injections must be banned. It is a fatally flawed technology (no pun intended).

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