Rahndo 24 points ago +24 / -0

Nothing against term limits (generally a good idea)...

But free and fair elections with no rigging or cheating might eliminate the need for term limits all by itself.

Rahndo 22 points ago +22 / -0

On the one hand, it was and is a really stupid idea to go up against President Trump.

On the other hand, it is the never-Trump RINO's that are behind it, and they desperately want their chunk of the Uniparty back under their control.

They have proven over and over again that they are morons, and it is fun to watch them struggle with this dilemma...

Rahndo 2 points ago +3 / -1

What will it take for people to start protesting in USA?

This is literally a moronic question. Protest what? To state the blatantly obvious, normal people need a good reason to protest.

Even the leftists and communists paid to protest in blue cities (almost) follow those rules.

The fact that protests themselves have no effect against tyrannical governments, and as a result are a complete waste of time (Brazil is a good example of that) is a different topic...

Rahndo 5 points ago +5 / -0

OK, now THAT analogy suits the globohomo commie woketards perfectly...

Rahndo 18 points ago +18 / -0

Any chance we can skip over all of that other crap and jump straight to the beheading part?

Rahndo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. As with all things, actions speak louder than words. Everything a politician says is just a noisy emission of hot, smelly gasses.

DeSatan is a politician (and a stupid one, or a controlled one). Trump is not a politician. He is much better than that. Very simple.

Rahndo 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's almost like the white hats are getting impatient, and are ordering Buy-din to deliberately do stupid shit to piss off the sheeple... I can't think of any other reason the globalist morons would screw around with people's home appliances. It makes no sense.

Rahndo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Howie Feltersnatch (gynecologist)...

Rahndo 8 points ago +8 / -0

'Tis the season to necro really old content. This one from October of 2018. Others dug up a racist video from 2005 that is making the rounds...

I have no idea why these people are suddenly raiding the WayBack Machine.

Edit: Throwback Thursday? If that is a thing, that could explain all the old shit today.

Rahndo 5 points ago +5 / -0

The extended cut included old favorites such as:

  • Mike Hunt
  • Fonda Cox
  • Hugh Janus
Rahndo 13 points ago +13 / -0

Same here... very disappointing, but it is what it is. I can no longer find any way to rationalize DeSatan's behavior at this point. I thought he was doing good things for Florida, but I guess that was just a facade for his attempt to replace Trump.

I have also noticed a LOT of sleepers being activated to support DeSatan against President Trump in the past few days. Obviously not a coincidence...

Rahndo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dredging up old shit to post as if it was a current event is what "penisse" does.

Going back 17 years might be a new record for a necro post though... congrats.

Rahndo 2 points ago +2 / -0


March 23, 2023 @ 01:05 UTC Below is a look at the visible solar disk as we head into Thursday. Solar activity during the past 24 hours remained at low levels. The chances for a major solar flare during the next day will be slim.

Minor (G1) to Moderate (G2) storming will be possible during the next 24-72 hours due to the combination of an anticipated coronal hole stream along with at least one coronal mass ejection (CME) passing close to Earth. Aurora sky watchers at higher latitudes should be alert. Should storm conditions reach moderate (G2) levels, aurora could be visible as far south as the norther tier United States.

Rahndo 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Rear Admiral" is the perfect job description for that mentally ill asshat.

Rahndo 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Meatball reminds me of Mittens. And the wife resemblance is... scary. Once seen, it cannot be unseen.

I am just going to have to nope right out of that. I'm sticking with Trump.

Rahndo 1 point ago +1 / -0

The "influencers" are out in force now, trying to damage President Trump and pump up DeSatan however they can... ridiculing his base while trying to peel off the independents, I guess.

That does not seem to be a winning strategery, but what do I know.

It all just makes President Trump look even better in comparison, so I don't mind it one bit.

Rahndo 1 point ago +2 / -1

Same here... it has been almost 20 years for me.

I would much rather take a few days and drive instead.

by BQnita
Rahndo 52 points ago +55 / -3

They are fighting the DS/cabal, together. That means they are fighting against the Ukraine, Rome, London, and D.C. which are the DS/cabal strongholds.

Soon, they will be joined by President Trump, fighting against D.C. from within.

Rahndo 4 points ago +5 / -1

“The risk to the general population remains very low.”

I love how the last line of the article pretty much ruins the attempted fear porn...

Rahndo 0 points ago +2 / -2

Huevos Rancheros?

Anyway, this is good... in theory at least. Not sure if it would have any chance of getting passed though. If Buy-din signed a law like this, that would be the actual PROOF that he was being controlled by white hats.

Worth a try, considering the bill to declas the origins of the C19 virus passed both houses unanimously AND was just signed by Buy-din as well...

Rahndo 26 points ago +28 / -2

Liberal women are the source of many of our current problems. They are useful idiots advancing the DS/cabal agendas.

Sadly, most women are liberal women these days... especially the younger ones. "Males" that have been trained to behave like liberal women are a close second.

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