RainforestFrog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Chik, I had a long reply...wouldn't upload, and I'm in the middle of something. So if I forget to come back later, drop me a message.

RainforestFrog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Error, not malpractice--the latter is a legal term. But you're in the exact correct ballpark.

Here ya go--memholed from JH's site, but saved by Archive


From 2016...and it's been far worse in recent years.

Analyzing medical death rate data over an eight-year period, Johns Hopkins patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S. Their figure, published May 3 in The BMJ, surpasses the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) third leading cause of death — respiratory disease, which kills close to 150,000 people per year.

RainforestFrog 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree overall. The problem is, we have so many walking wounded women staggering around, these past 50 years, propagandized into insanity on the one hand (media), and on the other, wondering why they cannot settle the driving, haunting internal sense that they cannot find what they need. And of course the propagandists happy to feed and foment that discontent/torment.

I think it's very simple. We have, now, a good 3 generations of women looking for the chad sons/grandsons/great-grandsons of the men slaughtered in war (WWI, WWII, Korea, Nam)...who never got born because the men who could have fathered them were slaughtered at Paschendaele, Iwo, Chosin Reservoir, Khe Sanh, etc. Even those who survived those conflagrations bore terrible scars as men. I remember my father's silences and unspoken reactivities (USN, WWII, So. Pacific).

Remember, for over 50 years, war drafts selected for destruction PRECISELY the fit, intelligent, brave, best-and-brightest, flower of male youth. The "lost generation" poets of WW1 wrote very compellingly about this.

The mirror of that was that the war drafts selected for survival cowards, homosexuals, sickos, criminals, crazies, etc. (4Fs).

And that, my fren, is a very very very deliberate strategy of domination by the Bankster Warmongers. Demographic warfare.

Women were not similarly culled. Though I have sensed that feminism, drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, all manner of degeneracy (including performative degeneracy) in effect constitute a sort of later echo culling of women.

One other thing I've reflected on is that good women having to choose from a deliberately restricted mating pool of good men were propagandized into believing they were virtuous for selecting the most degenerate males, or couplings. So when they say "I don't need a man," there is truth in that...it's just not very well examined. No woman of potential needs a dysgenic male. But what is the alternative, when so many males thnk the highest goal in life is a loinal sneeze?

Restoring manhood and womanhood is a screaming need, and has been most of my life. I've pursued it in my own humble way. But as I find myself propagandized to reactively hate creatures like the above, and find myself inclining to do so...I also remember that not all souls in Hell are in the afterlife.

Archangel Michael bless and keep your warriors. Father, stretch out your hand to strengthen your people. Christ Jesus, help us love one another while making hard choices and doing hard work to align with God's Will. Holy Spirit, make my heart innocent in moments where it has been shredded by the claws of the Adversary.

RainforestFrog 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is one of those junctures where the extreme misogyny of females like her floats to the top like septic tank scum.

"Feminism" was, in my experience of observing it, a twisty, Adversarial set of methods for getting women to hate themselves, and especially other women. An extremely poisonous ideology designed to foment division--not just between men and women, but women and each other.

I am the auldest auldfag (early X)...but this is why all the women in my family voted against the Equal Rights Amendment in Pennsylvania. And they were all wives, mothers, and tradeswomen (welders, shipfitters, sheet metal workers) too. They recognized the external targeting of women like them. They recognized the ERA's inversion of their extraordinary strengths, and struggles, into a weapon to destroy the ancient teamwork of men and women among our people. Our families and communities.

RainforestFrog 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree...but to step away from the Father Of Lies, they need a higher place to stand. The media have ALWAYS courted people's sense of PRIDE and EGO, becoming for them their ultimate truth. Their idol. Their god.

So it's also a battle for their souls.

RainforestFrog 4 points ago +4 / -0

And those who use the media for mindf%ck pitch to PRIDE and EGO in their target audiences, with their psyops.

We saw that in spades with "covid." "Oh, here's the SCIENCY SCIENCE for you to repeat and inflict on others--and that makes you SMARTER THAN THEM! That makes you BETTER! Now take a selfie with your vax card and your donut!"

This is the most basic PR/advertising/campaigning/psyop tool in the kit. Literally the Adversary.

RainforestFrog 3 points ago +3 / -0

Been hearing this from Machinists buddies for years now. So tired of being the ones who deliver, while others skate, but THEY get blamed/reviled/punished/etc.

Dear lord but we need a national return to the mentality and culture of doers and builders, over parasites, whiners, and victimization munkies.

RainforestFrog 3 points ago +3 / -0

Soaring Jewish population has nucleus in Seattle’s new inner city (Capitol Hill Seattle blog, 2015)


Seattle’s central neighborhoods have the densest population of Jewish households in the metropolitan area, and the numbers are growing.

The highest density of Jewish households in the city was found around the 98122 zip code, which includes Capitol Hill, the Central District, and Madrona.

RainforestFrog 2 points ago +2 / -0

Coming late to this party...but remember how the Founders of this Republic set things up so that corporate charters were sunsetted after 7 years maximum? They could only be extended by the will of the people. I'm oversimplifying--there were pitched battles between Federalists and Anti-Federalists on this (and among my Revolutionary War era ancestors, we had some of each!).

An incorporated entity existed to do a particular project or task. Then was dissolved. They were not intended to become "legal persons" with more rights than God's People AND The Undead to boot!

RainforestFrog 1 point ago +1 / -0

crocs (I hate those things, Well lookee here. We got us a person who doesn't go inside/outside/inside/outside between house and muddy garden 179 times a day.

RainforestFrog 2 points ago +2 / -0

It isn't about "facts." It isn't about "persuasion." It isn't about "argument," or "debate," or "reason."

That's not how the psyop got rooted in their brain systems.

The psyop rode in on EMOTION. On AMYGDALA HIJACKS.


This has been known for 100 years, and has been systematically used by the Mindf%ckers in all media, in PR, in advertising. Sex, fear, anger, pride, greed--all the negative, ugly emotions...that lay down neural traces in a way no calm, cool, reasoned discourse could, nor would want to.

You can't argue people out of their emotionally imprinted beliefs.

At the same time RFK is WRONG about "orthodoxy being impervious to external influence." The robust existence of Perennialist/Traditionalist metaphysics/faith is evidence of that. Many orthodox believers have reached beyond their belief structures to the upstream Source of belief. If you've never read Rene Guenon, Huston Smith, Frithjof Schuon, Julius Evola, and others, I highly recommend it.

This is why Stoic self control is so important. To be aware of your reactions, to remove them from the control-saddle of the horses that will drag your thinking and reactions into the Swamp. Every major religious tradition, both orthodox and syncretic, teaches that self-command, self-control, displacement of the ego, are essential to approaching the Mind of God.

It is the Anti-Mind of the Adversary that seeks to turn people into shrieky deranged reactive robots. And, alas, this is very much the model that "both" parties have used for at least 60 years now in political advertising and campaigning.

RainforestFrog 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wish that the globoshipping magnates cared even a fraction as much about their workers, including port workers, as they do about "slashing carbon."

RainforestFrog 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good question, though I do find people who either are cowards who don't want to make a choice...or avoid it...or are fence sitting...or lying about what they really believe...or hiding it. Or who think that by not choosing, they haven't chosen.

Then there's the pride-and-ego ones. "I'm too rational to take sides!"

But I dunno what Elon means by "moderates." I mean, what even does that mean? Striking a course between GloboCommieBolshie and the Republic as founded? Tacking between the two winds at whim? A Likert scale with just three ordinal points?

RainforestFrog 6 points ago +6 / -0

With all due respect, the mass media have always been designed and operated around hypnotic principles.

If you take a master's or doctorate at one of the big Mindf!ck departments, you are taught from the get go about this, day one, 9 a.m. The entire agenda is about claiming people's focused attention, making them fix it upon what YOU want them to pay attention to (ignoring other things), then guiding them ever more deeply into the reaction system you want them to manifest.

Read Edward Bernays (Sigmund Freud's nephew, and the "Father of Public Relations") on this.

It's just that the internet delivered via Palm Slab is more portable. And people PAY to be constantly goaded into the hypnotic altered state.

I would hear people in the '80s and '90s say that "TV is like heroin," and I would reply that it isn't LIKE heroin, it literally IS heroin. It was designed deliberately and carefully to tap into the same addiction centers as hard drugs.

RainforestFrog 16 points ago +17 / -1

When the love of my life died a few weeks ago (sudden catastrophic health thing in an otherwise incredibly healthy person, pureblood BTW), I did a bit on online digging on how to handle grief of a spouse's sudden death.

Easily 1/3 of the online pieces that talked about "how to re-establish daily routines" suggested --going to sleep with the TV or Palm Slab on --going to sleep with the TV or Palm Slab tuned to NEWS

Familiar faces and voices.

I was so horrified I haven't looked up anything online about grief since. And these sites were written by psychologists, counselors, ministers, "mental health professionals," etc., who were literally telling hurting, aching, lost, disoriented people...to replace their spouse with the f'in godbox and its Current Events Horror Porn.

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