RalphCP 1 point ago +1 / -0

Too many people paying a high price while the chess game continues! They’re cannon fodder!

RalphCP 2 points ago +2 / -0

Suicide weekend! First?

RalphCP 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is a power play with Muslims and Israelis both victims! Stand down of intelligence - Hamas is a tool! The division between Gaza and Israel only benefits the power brokers who rule Gaza and Israel! Remember what 9/11 did to US: increase power of intelligence agencies which has been turned on us, made Billions for military/industrial complex, etc. This is Israel’s 9/11. It is intended increase the power and money of the few at the expense of the many. Jews are clearly victims but of whom? In Gaza the average person is a victim but of whom. Elections are controlled and representatives do not represent the people!

RalphCP 4 points ago +4 / -0

I look at the innocent victims while we wait! The J6ers, the vaccinated, Ukraine’s innocents that are killed! There is a song that has a phrase - old boss just the new boss! Drops say by the rule of law. That rule only applies to the criminals. The OLD DOJ never care about victims until arrests were made! NEW DOJ (Mil) doesn’t care about victims - cannon fodder. The problem is MSM is authorized to lie and at the same time the truth remains intentionally hidden. Sunlight would wake up all or nearly all people! However, sunlight is withheld, MSM airs propaganda, etc. while the pile of victims continues to grow! Sunlight is needed now!

RalphCP 5 points ago +6 / -1

It does if you want to justify attacking Iran’s nuclear capabilities!

RalphCP 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’m interested in Sidney Powell’s case. Brunson is procedural and Powell involves the election results. Maybe both will happen simultaneously or near simultaneously!

RalphCP 4 points ago +4 / -0

It stopped dead Ukraine funding by Congress!

RalphCP 5 points ago +5 / -0

Republicans that voted to fund Ukraine will very soon look stupid and we must never forget

RalphCP 9 points ago +9 / -0

There is 18 USC Sec. 242 that applies to Judges; however, the DOJ doesn’t enforce the law as written. Judges that could be prosecuted for an unlawful, unjustified departure from the law will not be prosecuted without bribery or some other crime! That statute can be used against prosecutors that do not enforce the law. Everyone’s answer is new laws. My solution enforce the laws on the books as written!

RalphCP 3 points ago +3 / -0

Doesn’t mean there will not be arrests setting up the harvest!

RalphCP 4 points ago +4 / -0

On Ohio, the Constitution is clear. Legislators control, not Governor! It will be challenged and the Governor will lose.

RalphCP 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don’t understand the plan! Disclosure is supposed to unite, nevertheless, MSM is allowed to continually lie! DJT won the 2020 election overwhelmingly but we need to awake people! How are they awakening people, pain! Many people have eyes closed and will continue to have eyes close until MSM delivers the truth! God’s plan but humans implement the plan. Constant teasing about end is near but the pain continues and nothing dispositive happens! It is as if they cannot pull the trigger. I believe in the plan but not the plan’s duration.

RalphCP 4 points ago +4 / -0

I fail to understand delays! Open borders, new vaccines, weather and fire warfare, etc.

RalphCP 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don’t ignore the fact that this continues because WH Military hasn’t come forward with real disclosure of hard evidence! We have it all means WH Military has all the hard evidence, not us! MSM pushes is BS because WH Military allows it! No excuse to not disclose. I believe S. Powell is WH Military! If the ballots were watermarked she could submit the evidence in Georgia today! It is a game and we are all victims of the game! After DJT 4th indictment is it necessary for the game to continue? If not, crime of omission!

RalphCP 3 points ago +3 / -0

My concern, this article gives WH Military an excuse to not provide hard evidence! It extends the game all the while people die and BHs arm their street warriors! Delaying hard disclosure is a crime of omission!

RalphCP 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nino says Cartels are arming themselves with heavy weaponry! This only happens because WH Military allows it! How many must die because this crime of omission? Time to disclose hard evidence and end this movie

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