Think of how long it will be til he touches America soil. This will take awhile. Possibly getting ducks in row for when the 2 chambers of Congress turn red this fall. Possible televised congressional testimony on the menu?
You're not alone - a large group of people have it in their heads that some cataclysmic event is going to take place where the whitehats swoop in like angels to slay all the demons in one fell swoop. If that sounds like a fairy tale that's because it is one. Something you would tell a little one so that they have pleasent dreams and aren't scared at night. I'm sorry to say I don't believe that's coming. Slowly but surely things will get worse and worse as all of the Left's false prophets are methodically destroyed - climate change green energy narrative is being decimated by the war in Ukraine and the current energy squeeze. "made in China" will be called out next when China invades Taiwan. This is all going to happen slowly as normies wake up and the pendulum swings back. This country didn't go to shit overnight it's not going to be fixed overnight either.
What normies think of Putin's motives is irrelevant - its plunging Europe into an energy crisis showing Europeans how incompetent their leftist leaders really are. Remember the Great Awakening is a global movement. It's driving energy prices up worldwide and that's at least getting normies perked up to the point where they inevitably ask "isn't there something my government can do about this??? Gas is $10 a gallon!!!" At which point they learn that the left's climate change green energy farce is worthless and that populist leaders were correct to push for energy independence using traditional fuels. All pieces of the greater puzzle that are slowly being put together. They use such "rah rah" virtuous language to push their green agenda that the normies get stars in their eyes as they nod and "say yea wow green energy sounds great! Let's use batteries for everything! And wind and solar!!!" It's not until you SHOW them how unrealistic that all is IN THE REAL WORLD where the rubber meets the road in a true energy crisis. It's only then they MIGHT wake up. This should be enough to see how this is all part of the plan. Next phase will be the Chinese invasion of Taiwan which will accomplish the goal of waking normies up to our reliance on Chinese goods. It won't be a gas and oil shortage it will be an everything shortage. Think of everything that has a "made in China" tag on it. TLDR: Russian war is to show normies that green energy is a joke Chinese war will show normies we need Made in USA goods
That's why there are 3 pillars defined as needing control Media (including legacy) for the "boomers" - 15 years is still a long time Education system - self explanatory Entertainment Industry - to reach across all spectrums
I honestly think the whole thing will be done under a slow simmer and never come to a full boil. What you are describing is too extreme - the whitehats would not unleash that level of suffering. The heat will get turned up don't get me wrong - inflation will go up, stock market will be at historical lows but the good guys aren't going to let the world descend into anarchy and chaos.
This isn't surprising to me. This is part of the Great Awakening in my opinion. I believe a huge Trump ally is a CEO at one of the conglomerates that now owns CNN. They are slowly but surely cleaning house and I'm betting that over the next 5 years CNN becomes a reputable news outlet. Think of how the lefty commies took over America - they started back in the 60's on their quest to control the media, the education system, and the entertainment industry. They couldn't implement their radical agenda overnight. It literally took decades but contrast where we are now with the 1950's - they were VERY successful. Now, I believe the Q team is using their own gameplay against them. They are infiltrating CNN from the top down and slowly molding it into something better. I would bet similar plans are in place for the entertainment industry and educational system - the other 2 pillars that the commies identified as necessary for controlling a population. I think the whitehats are making the most progress in the media at the moment between CNN and Twitter (and Truth). Perhaps that is the spearhead of their attack. Will be interesting to watch it all unfold. Patience will be necessary as tides slowly change. I think the whitehats understand that infiltration is more effective than invasion. The sheep rail against Truth Social or OANN so why not take over their beloved CNN and Twitter and slowly reprogram them through those platforms instead?
It's such an easy cover for them to use. Pelosi said she was going to go to Taiwan as some big show of solidarity against China so the media machine gets to plaster that headline frontpage but when it comes time to pay the piper whoops! She got Covid and couldn't go. I remember an anon on here saying Trudeau was supposed to meet some military vet travelling across country with some kind of concern. He agrees but then whoops! Got Covid and needs to isolate. Now this with Fauci. Covid is the gift that just keeps giving for them. They are diabolical.
I don't think anything with the Great Awakening will be "sudden". This is a long and methodical process