Like I said I didn't mean to be a downer. I do hope it works out for you. There is a lot of history to be seen and enjoyed, they can't keep you from doing that. Also you are still a couple of weeks out things could change for the better. Have a good time, Fren.
Now is not the time to visit NOLA, the black gestapo mayor is requiring the VAX to do anything, go anywhere. I am just a little ways out of N.O. and it's nothing like that, but cross the city limits and it's a different world. sorry to be a downer but would hate to see your trip ruined.
I heard of this being discussed before, quite a while ago. I don't remember if it was here, or if it was on VOAT. If I remember correctly this exact thing was being discussed about the 2nd amendment. Pretty much the same list of states including Louisiana and Tennessee
Edit: Found it: enter text
I had exactly the same thought yesterday, when I heard of the fall of Kabul. Our military personnel should be outraged that they spent so much of their lives to try to stabilize that shithole and it was all for naught.
I agree with everything you say, this little girl was thrust into something she never should have been thrust into. It certainly was no fault of hers. None of this would have happened if the PERVERT in chief would have kept his hand to himself.
Mine was the 1st time I saw the Magruder, "sp" tape, I guess it was in the 70,s. They said JFK was shot from the rear, but when I saw his head fly rearward with brain matter also flying also rearward. I knew it was BS and the Gov't. was lying to us.
The clock is messed up if your browser loads a cached copy. I just tried it and it came up 80 days etc. Did a CTRL/F5 to load a new copy and it came up 71 days etc. I believe that is why everyone is getting an erroneous clock reading.
CBS is SOOOOOO fucked up. They were losing their ass on their streaming service CBS All Access. They had to rename it Paramount+ and add original content to try to save it. Now they are stupid enough to do this. Paramount+ will just fall into the ash heap of history. Makes me smile nigly.