It really makes a lot of sense. Musk fits into almost every semi woke to woke "cult-you're" and his financial success meets the requirements for right leaning business minded folk.
His success doesn't make sense and his disposable wealth is of interest....being funded by .gov makes sense as well.
Factor this into 13848 and the timing of all the power CEO's "retiring" and it makes more sense.
The final exam question is was the mask mandate used by the good guys as cover to move military assets around undetected and do the dirty work.
I think there's a solid possibility if not probability.
Hopefully the first case she sees will be to define the legal definition of a woman.
.....and Hopefully the asses in which the heads must be removed from are our own elected asses. With luck the statement can be literal, and we can remove some heads.
Show America woke bullshit.
Show America broken election.
Show America broken court.
Show America corruption on all levels.
Show the crimes of the elites.
Then, after you have all of their fix it with military level action and authority, no whiney pussy bullshit. Iron fist, firing squad, bloodshed type authority.....and you do it publicly to show the ramifications of their actions.
Don't worry about feeding Durham intel. He's certainly been operating on a FISA warrant for a long time.
I believe we are getting told what did happen in the most redacted sense of the "intent" without disclosing all of the methods. They would not allow working class schmucks to get ahead of the game on something of this magnitude.
More of a history lesson than future prediction. Future proves past type shit in action.
I'm embarrassed to say that there was a point in which I believed he would have been great for America.
Thank you lord for allowing me to see the error in my ways.
Dan, That oath you took is going to be a real "pain in the neck. "
I gotta be honest, I don't require any intel to be able to see what's happening.
Think logically. Obama and the Clintons would be so far up bidens ass if this were legitimate. The fact that we get some random tweets to keep question alive for most is more proof.
I don't know how they did/are doing it, but my belief is most if the dirty work has been done for a while now and it's just a matter of clean up, logistics and cover stories.....bring it on!
Uranium one. Hydroelectric bad, The push for electric EVERYTHING, natural gas is now the devil.....I called this one long ago when the solyndra flop happened and the windmills didn't work.
We've all been groomed to love this idea.