RearViewKali2022 3 points ago +3 / -0

It appears that many on X are trying to make her the bad guy now by saying career advancements and recognition for the story were her only priorities. How do we know? She likely lived in a very tight little media bubble. Anyway, demonizing her without more details is a red flag in my book and a telling sign that they just want this all to go away again. Three years ago most people were blissfully unaware. Perhaps her understanding of worldwide networks of trafficking was just beginning to unfold as well? In the end, Disney's ABC got what they wanted years ago. They basically discredited her as a whore and took her off the field. That said, I'm optimistic and glad this story has surfaced again.

RearViewKali2022 19 points ago +19 / -0

What caused the Trade Towers to fall at free fall speeds and "dustify" many hundred thousand tons of concrete and steel?

Oh yeah...and Building 7.

RearViewKali2022 3 points ago +3 / -0

I left at&t over two years ago for numerous reasons and switched to Patriot Mobile. Great coverage and great price. Their service is so good that I don't even think about them as a service provider. AT&T always wanted to "engage" with me to discuss my business and personal cell services.

RearViewKali2022 5 points ago +5 / -0

There should be absolutely no qualms whatsoever about putting Hunter, Hallie and brother Jim on the stand. Subpoena the kids of Pelosi and Kerry and then there might be a sliver of equal justice.

RearViewKali2022 2 points ago +2 / -0

It seems like just yesterday that inspectors would find two crickets in forty metric tons of flour in a food production facility resulting in a shutdown, confiscation of the flour and major fines to the producer. Today, it's not a bug, but rather a feature...or something like that.

RearViewKali2022 5 points ago +5 / -0

You are entitled to be both sad and angry. Sorry to hear how this is hurting you and your family.

RearViewKali2022 6 points ago +6 / -0

The only thing that worked somewhat for me with family was to simply say "I give up, I've provided the published medical studies, the statistics, the videos, but you've made up your mind. I still care, but I'm done". Two years later some of them have had a change of heart on the jabs, but they certainly don't want to talk about it. . PRIDE,

RearViewKali2022 3 points ago +3 / -0

Priorities... Regardless, a win as long as the customer isn't prosecuted in my opinion.

RearViewKali2022 13 points ago +13 / -0

This guy nailed it. This has been the case for years.

RearViewKali2022 4 points ago +4 / -0

The media really pushed the narrative that all nurses are heroes to make everyone more receptive and agreeable. .

RearViewKali2022 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just for fun, search for a picture of the walking cadaver Barbara Ferrer who is L.A. county director of public health. Seriously, all of these "health professionals" have to be coming from of central casting.

RearViewKali2022 3 points ago +3 / -0

Knowing little about the man, I don't think he's a great role model for young men based on what I've read and seen so far. That said, I'm inclined to worry about about the charges and who is pushing the charges. Lots of PR out there to take him down.

RearViewKali2022 3 points ago +3 / -0

Eyes are windows to the soul....her eyes are opaque.

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