I am going on record as saying I dont care…
Live and let live. Your choices or lifestyle infringes on another, pay the price. It doesnt, then go forth and prosper. Irrelevant to whats really happening out there
We in Cleveland will likely never be in on this turd. Dude presided over a major city as it went bankrupt. He is a commie, we got way more face time with him locally than the rest of you have nationally. Bad choice RFK
I was honestly upset about that at first, but realize its not really a big deal. I was in the same camp as you, honoring the native american Louis Sockalexis from the Cleveland Spiders days. However, the other side of that was the Wahoo characiture with exaggerated features and some writings about how Sockalexis really wasnt being honored but just coincidence. I dont necessarily believe the latter, but that was the arguement. Either way, the change was bound to happen eventually due to the controversy. Its sports, so its inconsequential in the grand scheme, and the product did not change.
Problem I have with Columbus is that it just takes, raizes, and builds. Being the capitol, it can expand pretty much at will and allocate funds as it wants. It has become a sprawling city with no character.
Another point to process is that if people want 15 minute cities, they are gonna go move to ones that already exist. For example, Lakewood is an inner ring suburb of Cleveland. It has an extremely high population density…something like 10,000 people per square mile. It is a place you can live and literally never have to leave. Afvantages over Cleveland include safety, schools, housing stock, and government services.
Cleveland is already losing population by the bus load. Main causes have nothing to do with walkability, climate change, LGBTQ friendliness, or length of commute. The schools suck. Infrastructure is crumbling. Roads are shit. Crime is rampant. The government and associated services are corrupt and unchanging. Meanwhile, suburbs like Westlake, Avon, North Olmsted, Bedford, etc, are building and expanding their capabilities as great neighborhoods to live in. Then you have places like Lakewood, Cleveland Heights, Euclid, Parma, Garfield Heights, etc, that are suburbs but basically just neighborhoods of Cleveland. These are run much better than the city itself, with an enormous increase in safety and schooling that make them very attractive to urban residents.
Like someone else said, this will just be another big money laundering scheme. Spend it on infrastructure, safety, emergency services, small business, and things that will actually ATTRACT people to the city and youd be on the right path. Trying to trap people in their own shit neighborhoods is just garbage. Nevermind the fact that it seems like a fancy form of gentrification, where the people who can really benefit from the help will actually be pushed out as cost of living rises to support all the money being spent to upgrade.
Not that long ago, and i mean within the last couole decades, Cleveland had forced bussing for schools. This would take kids from one neighborhood, and bus them all the way across town to go to school. This was in the name of integration. Why? Because Cleveland was one of the most segregated cities in the country. Bussing is gone, thankfully, but it is still one of the most segregated coties in the country. There is East Side, and there is West Side. So we have come full circle. From segregating the city, to trying to forcefully integrate it, to re-segregating it. Awesome
Honestly, I think he may be right about the first one. Its from a show called True Blood, and was actually pretty funny in context. However, in conjunction woth the others, its clear he should burn
This cat is from my town, and one of the most influential rap groups in history. They were pretty heavy gangsta rap types when they first hit, then became more of a positive type of group as they found success over time. Anyway, I believe this one. Not that the groups arent culpable for olaying into the scheme with their music, but the fact that other more positive types were pushed out to saturate the culture with violence is just disgusting.
DJT is not a god…he is a good man, with good intentions, good ideas, and the strongest base of just about any public figure I can recall. The people and politicians alike may disagree with him on some issues. At times, DJT may hold an opinion that can truly go either way as well. There is a difference between disagreement based on reason, and disagreement based on orange man bad.
Im good with it, but I dont watch anyway. These people arent reading the news, they are giving commentary. Hearing different opinions leads to more complex thinking.
I am to be reminded that Tulsi is STACKED!?! Did not need the reminder…
If im not mistaken, the far right in fortress europa is the far left here, no?
I have 6… 7yo American Staffordshire, 5yo American Pit, 4yo Labernard (Lab/St Bernard), 3yo American Staffordshire, 1.5yo American Staffordshire/Beagle/Mutt, and 7mos old Boxer. I want allll the dogs and I worry not about some dirtbag invading my space
He said it alright, just not quite how the article frames it. Per usual, they make up and assume what he DID NOT say was actually what he was saying. They make it seem like he is arguing that white folks need guns to defend themselves from black folks, which he wasnt. If you LISTEN, in context, he is making a point that inner city gun violence in our black communities is big travesty that no one seems to care about. That is not a stretch, its what he was saying. Knee jerk reactions to a “mass shooting” by some white dude in the burbs while literally ignoring the epidemic of inner city violence.
Possibly just a really well put together recruiting video? US Army psycholgical operations are part of SOF command, training at Ft Bragg.
This line of thinking is worth at least a second look. While I do not agree that Durham is trying to “kick the can”, it is quite an interesting angle when you look into the framing of it all to land OUTSIDE of the alphabet angencies. Perhaps two trains have left the station: one for the Clinton Campaign and one for government. It would make sense the two wouldnt be dancing with one another right now…have to keep things as clean as possible. However, at face value it is quite plausible that the absence of govt types in all these filings is just how it will continue
My .02 is that this is the right move for the wrong reasons. The issue shouldnt be one of taking offense, or morality, or protecting the rights of Christians, or any of that. If kids want to celebrate their own sexuality, they are going to anyway, so disregard the children on this.
The common sense point is that the teachers and administration have no business celebrating sexual lifestyle or sexuality whatsoever. Just like they have no business celebrating race, or religion, or social class, or whatnot. Even sex-ed should be at the will of the parent, and taught by medical professionals instead of “health” teachers. We shouldn’t be allowing the public school system to promote, or by necessity then put down, any student or group of students for any of their lifestyle traits. It has zero to do with education.
I do not like religion scrambled with my legislation. If you can not package a controversial (to some) piece of legislation to rise above simple dismissal for being proposed by “religion freaks”, and by that I mean the very loud opposition, then find someone else to package it. Love the idea, hate the way it is promoted.
You could say this about LITERALLY anything. All the mights and coulds and mays can be put next to anything. Hell even the residents admin is doing it with Russia/Ukraine right now. Trust, but verify, is most certainly in play here. So far there has been no actual evidence to suggest this is a false flag. Of course bad actors will try to infiltrate and flip the situation…they wouldnt be very bad if they didnt!
Im just not sure anyone who has found and followed THIS forum would be so frail minded as to believe the hype if things start getting twisted around. The “We, The People” crowd arent exactly the type to side with the government and abandon the truckers because they cant get bacon on their whopper or find fresh pork loin at the grocery store.
So is your point NOT to support them? I understand your post, your thinking behind the situation, but I dont understand your message as it relates to supporting the blockades. You made the perfect doublethink post…you have to believe that the truckers are doing the right thing and support them while also villifying them for being an eventual patsy for big brother to benefit from? I guess thats not technically correct either, because I dont see credit given to any patriots who are on site at their own behest.
Anyway, spamming THIS post with a link to YOUR post isnt really helping anything. Sure its a decent read, good points made, things to look out for, but it would be much more appropriate I think if people on here were turning AGAINST the truckers. Then your warning would make much more sense and help some people who are slipping find some resolve. It doesnt doesnt really relate to supporting and cheering on those that are there, the Canadian patriots on the ground, that clearly are passionate for the cause they believe they are there for.
Yeah I get lost figuring out the trail right about here. AT&T owns WarnerMedia. Vanguard holds an 8% stake in AT&T and I believe is their largest institutional shareholder. I see Vanguard, Blackrock, and State St as the 3 largest mutual funds, but cant find the trail where Blackrock owns the other two…just that all 3 are independently evil.
The “section 98” garbage doesnt even need to be researched. In a ruling from 1866, there would not be mention of “50…States”. Further, while Milligan is important and an interesting read, the case has been bastardized here. Stop stickying garbage
Is it possible for the OP to edit the headline or for a mod to do so? That cover photo was manipulated from the original and its causing folks to go down a whole different rabbit hole that doesnt exist
Not what he did there…are you new? Do you not understand the reference?
This is a good step