Just issue him a Federal Prisoner # now. It will save time.
This is why we can't have nice things.
Enjoy while you can. When the music stops... most of the clowns will realize they are caught.
... and Fishing / Hunting Licenses... all in one convenient stop.
If you stay away from hospitals... it won't become "high consequence".
I'm sure it will backfire... but first it will fore-fire.
We'll see the results of that to Russia's economy.
I would stop sending my child to a Vermont school the same day.
Homeschool is a MUCH better option... and I would start by teaching my child all about his / her rights that the other parents and children are letting the government take away from them.
Attention MSNBC:
That is NOT the real Joe Biden, nor has it been him for the past 4 years.
Biden is an actor wearing a mask. Guess who is controlling what the actor is doing?
I think we've seen the extent of the pardons.
I don't understand how Hunter Biden would know anything about J-6. He wasn't a part of it that I am aware of, nor would any of the planners tell that meth head anything of their plans.
Trump wouldn't mention if it wasn't important... so there is a connection.
I noticed that it was the "Joe Biden" with earlobes who gave the speech on the South Lawn of white house today to honor Aids Awareness.
It's weird how "Biden's" earlobes are there sometimes, but he has pixie ear at other times. Ear lobes normally do that.
It would be a shame if Joe Biden ISN'T PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, but is only "president of USA Corporation and the occupied territory of Washington DC ".
If the U.S. is under military rule with a Commander in Chief, but not an acting president... then Biden can declare anything he wants. It's not legally binding.
Also, I think we all know that isn't really Joe Biden. It's an actor playing the role.
Maybe this is what will bring about the "surprise" revelation.
Probably one of those routine vax blood-clot induced heart attacks.
President Trump and the DOJ must honor the pardon of Hunter Biden WITHIN THE U.S..
However, Hunter Biden may have committed crimes that OTHER nations would like to prosecute him for... and we do have extradition treaties.
Also, keep in mind that Hunter will no longer be able to claim 5th ammendment protection in court. He can be compelled to testify under oath.
Don't forget Catholic Charities. They were a HUGE NGO that provided transport, housed, fed and smuggled illegals to the U.S. and within our nation.
John Bolton will call on all walruses to go on strike.
Ok...but when is the next election? They just had one recently.
Maybe forcing Ukraine to fight to the last man is the plan.
It distracts Russia obviously, and may result in Russia losing an ally in Syria and losing their Mediterranean port in Syria. Russia is also losing Georgia as an "ally"... and maybe for good.
Why is Syria important? What nation is between Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait... and Europe? If one wanted to build large European pipelines directly overland for gas and oil to Greece, Italy and Western Europe... then Syria is the key. Turkey is Russia's 3rd largest customer for oil & gas. A set of large pipelines for oil & gas puts Turkey in a great negotiating position... benefits Turkey too.
What about Iran? Well... what about them? Iran cannot participate in the pipeline.
What about Russia? Losing their #1 customers in Western Europe will be a huge economic blow lasting for decades. What is Ukraine to Russia? Ukraine is the nation that the Russian pipelines to Europe traverses.
Why Ukraine until the last man? Ukraine has some of the world's richest farmland. A depopulation of Ukraine opens it up for corporate farming. It erases land ownership rights. If you impoverish the population, they will be glad of getting the work (as wage slaves). Russia will have no interest in rebuilding a destroyed Ukraine, and without pipelines to protect, why would they care? Let Ukraine become depopulated corporate farmland.
Russia weakened, Iran weakened, Europe gaining.
I have zero respect for the FBI.
They need to be disbanded as an agency.
Good. Impose these crushing carbon restrictions on YOURSELVES. We will all watch as your economies implode.
I don't know what the British politicians expect to gain from uncontrolled immigration.
Britain isn't going to become an industrial powerhouse again. Bringing in millions of untrained workers with no national loyalty or work ethic isn't going to spur innovation or industry.
Britain isn't going to become a world agricultural producer. They won't become an energy power center. They won't become a global financial center, as other financial centers will prove better and less troublesome. They are now losing former colonies and may soon lose Canada and Australia as well.
Britain's only thing to sell at this point are safety, quiet countrysides and the British / Scottish culture for tourism, in addition to stability for property owners and visitors. Under uncontrolled immigration = uncontrolled crime... kiss all of that goodbye. Multi-culturalism is NOT a reason to visit Britain. It makes Britain, with it's higher costs, far less attractive than many global alternatives. The only reason to visit Britain is because it's Britain, with full history and culture. Destroy that... and you become nothing.
Britain is hardly going to transformation non-loyal immigrant population into a military power.
What good is importing Millions of mouths to feed when there is no income?
The U.S. should buy Greenland.
It's a good investment, and would make an excellent penal colony for the traitors.
Nobody cares. Bye, Felicia!
Money likely went to election bribes for people to steal elections for Democrat congressman, mayor's, Governors and judges.
When police start being arrested... begin with the police union leaders and top brass. Put them in general population in medium security Federal prisons in other states. I'm sure the other prisoners will welcome police captains and sergeants to their jail cells.
Sue CNN out of existence.