Retaining_H2O 12 points ago +12 / -0

If Norway, a NATO member, refuses to help the U.S. Navy... then we need to reevaluate why we are STILL part of NATO.

Retaining_H2O 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is probably the last gasp before the plunge.

The SDNY courts are severely corrupted. The SDNY FBI office is severely corrupted.

The Supreme Court has ruled in the past that Military Tribunals CAN be used in place of civilian court trials in the event that the court system is non-functioning, such that a fair trial cannot be had.

They NEVER said it had to be nation wide. It can be local, as in a severely corrupted court system in SDNY that guarantees no fair trial, biased judges and biased investigators.

This might be the key for the military and DOJ to sweep in together to correct the SDNY. They can remove every corrupt judge, fire every FBI agent in SDNY, arrest any politicians or local law enforcement that have their hand in that cookie jar... basically clean house. I bet it's coming quickly, and it will sweep aside all of those corrupt district officials in a single week.

Retaining_H2O 2 points ago +2 / -0

You know the Deep State was counting on the federal judges to be a big part of their obstruction of Trump.

They never thought that USAID would be cut off, so now the money is gone.
They never thought that DOGE would be uncovering illegal funds and bank accounts and clawing back the money.

They never thought that the DOJ, FBI and Congress would all work together to impeach, investigate and prosecute the rogue judges that reveal themselves.

In just 5 weeks, from Jan.20th through Feb. 28th, Trump's Administration has moved so quickly to tear down the Deep State and the Global Cabal... that they don't know which way to turn now. Everything around them is crumbling.
Next comes the arrests and seizure of all assets of the criminals involved. When that starts is the true panic.

Retaining_H2O 1 point ago +1 / -0

Since she's not working for the Biden Administration anymore, Karine can always get a job as a mop.

Retaining_H2O 6 points ago +6 / -0

Dana was selected for the position originally because S.A. Ambassador wasn't a key position for Team Trump.

Given recent events, Trump and the State Department probably want to replace her with someone tough. S.A. will be facing aid cutoffs, sanctions and possibly worse in the near future. They want someone to be a rock solid ambassador.

Retaining_H2O 32 points ago +32 / -0

Interesting. A caravan of FBI trucks and agents could go through a few thousand pages of evidence and round up a few dozen videos in a matter of hours.

Having gone in last night, and haven't yet emerged more than 12-hours later means there is a LOT more. They must have found a treasure trove of info that the SDNY office has been hiding.

Retaining_H2O 2 points ago +2 / -0

We don't need constant updates, unless the continual updates are meant to spook the Deep State perps.

There are obviously many, many people involved in the Epstein Island crimes.

Pick some low hanging fruit, an easy sleazy pedo or two that can be publicly drawn & quartered... and offer them up as a sacrifice to appease the masses. Meanwhile, keep pressuring the others from the DOJ and FBI.

Retaining_H2O 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember when Obama's administration pretended to fight terrorism and ISIS, but was continually blowing up old pickup trucks and abandoned huts in Syria using advanced $Million missiles? It got so bad that Syria was running out of broken down pickup trucks.

Retaining_H2O 4 points ago +4 / -0

Even the name is a crime.

Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network that targets MINORS, especially grade school children.

Why would a group want to spread Gay and Lesbian "education" to 10-year Olds?
Only one reason... and it's not good.

Retaining_H2O 6 points ago +6 / -0

The food companies are counting on that.

Retaining_H2O 5 points ago +5 / -0

The Ides of March, or March 15th, is the day in the Roman Calendar in 44 BC when Julius Caesar was assassinated by Roman senators.

The phrase "Beware the Ides of March" also appears in William Shakespeare's play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.

Looking forward to those ides.

Retaining_H2O 11 points ago +11 / -0

I read the note. The subtext was... "please fire or severely discipline everyone involved in withholding this information".

Heads will roll.

Retaining_H2O 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great. Now how is this going to look on a resume?

We're probably going to see some angry transgenders on the streets with emotional issues and recent combat training. :>(

Retaining_H2O 10 points ago +10 / -0

Seems like a few dozen MORE FBI agents will be fired, and possibly having criminal charges for obstruction.

Hopefully the truck carrying the Epstein records from SDNY to Washington DC doesn't accidentally fall off a bridge into the Potomac River or something.

Retaining_H2O 2 points ago +2 / -0

Being listed on a flight log isn't a crime.

I'm sure most of the people on the flight logs will claim they only went to the island for sun and sand and to swim. Of course, the White Hats likely have all of the Epstein tapes to prove otherwise... but that's a different story.

Retaining_H2O 5 points ago +5 / -0

What it means is that the White Hats HAVE EVERYTHING.

They will release what they should strategically release at this time... and withhold information that gives them controlling power over world figures for now. What info was "destroyed"... depends on how well you cooperate.

Keep in mind that the British Government (mostly notorious pervs) are probably neck deep in the Epstein Island scandal. This might give the White Hats some control over British politics for the time being.

Retaining_H2O 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't stop the trials. Instead, insist that the vaccine developers ALL take the clinical trials for this "vax". Any that refuse will face prosecution when the "vax" is proved to be harmful.

Retaining_H2O 2 points ago +2 / -0

Better yet... why hasn't he been nabbed and bundled off to Hungary, where he will be given a special welcome he won't like?

Retaining_H2O 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have a BETTER idea.

Rename NPR as "National Progressive Rock".

Play only innovative rock music and introduce new bands that the Main Steam Media and Music Industry refuses to let get air play.
Let NPR be the radio station to let new bands be heard nationally and develop an audience... independent of Main Stream Media and Big Music control.

I would fund that gladly.

Retaining_H2O 15 points ago +15 / -0

... and where did the NY Times get this identity information?

Probably from the same sources they received information from for the past few decades... the 3-letter agency employees.

Revealing this won't change anything though. DOGE employees are rock stars.

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