Ric0Suav3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have mentioned this before! Trump leaves Israel for last for a particular reason! Jewish people are victims just like everyone else! The Khazarian Zionist Mafia hijacked the Jewish religion to promulgate their agenda! Now, how does Trump differentiate? He leaves them for last! Note that this millennial war has involved people of all persuasions who have been used and oppressed!

Ric0Suav3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand what you saying but I believe the truckers boycott destroyed the Chinese Main supply lines to the west; the whole continent of America! Why I say this, is that I noticed that during Covid all stores Chinese stores that were selling knockoff trinkets suddenly turned into small supermarket stores selling local and goods sourced from mainland America! Politicians in America were actively buying and allowing technology from America to be integrated in Chinese made tech! They were selling out to the CCP!

Ric0Suav3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even an atheist will bend the knee when entrapped by the devil's snares! There is no other way out! Choose wisely because they will offer you relief but at the expense of sacrificing those you love the most! I went through this in 2020! Walk away from a company that appreciated my family! The demons,within, attacked me on my stance on the plandemic! I chose God! Chant a psalm!

Ric0Suav3 4 points ago +4 / -0

She is spot on! The PEADS she speaks about has to do with the illegal government occupying the White House! A tale of two presidents; Biden is the president of USA Corporation and Trump is the CIC of the USA! These executive orders are continued by Biden because USA Inc was put into submission during his inauguration! The fence was not to keep rioters out, it was to keep traitors in! Once they signed off on Biden's presidency they effectively became a foreign occupying power!

Ric0Suav3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder if this would have anything to do with all the photos of different locations in China that are in Q posts;

Ric0Suav3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump is a genius! He has even Patriots questioning how.bright he is! He sounds crude at times and creates suspense even to his own followers! A chameleon with a guaranteed destination, that even those following are timid to guarantee! Eliminating every plausible reason why he portrudes this demeanor you are left that NCSWIC! All wars are won before they are fought! If you have control over the outcome then it's Game over!

Ric0Suav3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Millions have been waiting for the chance to tell the deep state system to fock off! Many thought that it would never be possible! Little by little they will develop the courage and say fuck it! People thought it was impossible to fight a system that had infiltrated all positions in even the smallest of counties! They saw that injustices happen because it involved well connected people in their society! It was better to lay low and shut up! People talking up is contagious!

Ric0Suav3 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ban imaginary money period! Credit cards are digital transaction for money that does not exist! Let's go back to the Gold Standard, where value of legal tender is predicated by tangible assets! Electronic credit is legalized theft!

Ric0Suav3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Shows how influential MSM is! They have convinced people that this woman who slept with men to achieve power is better than a self made billionaire who does not drink nor smoke and loves his country!

Ric0Suav3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Putin is working with the White Hats! If you don't know that by now, you probably have know inkling of Trump's Capitulation Tour, where he got all world leaders to surrender and follow White Hats directives! Putin symbolically gave Trump a football and told him the ball is in your court! Do what you need to do!

Ric0Suav3 1 point ago +1 / -0

The White Hats chose the dumbest contender to run against Trump so that they can have a clear idea of how brainwashed people are! Reaching the threshold of 94% awakened to a certain level will be hard to achieve without using MI weapons!

Ric0Suav3 4 points ago +4 / -0

That has been the White Hats MO from the start! That's why the whole world knows who's Anthony Fauci! He could have been arrested in the background but it would not create the effect of exposing the whole corrupt Big Pharma! It had to be done this way!

Ric0Suav3 1 point ago +1 / -0

With White Hats in control! They could shut down the internet and use back channels like Starlink to transmit the election cheating live, globally!

Ric0Suav3 1 point ago +1 / -0

The reality is that a supernatural spiritual world exists! We living in a material world find it hard to believe! Everything we say is a spell! We are spirits living in material world!

Ric0Suav3 2 points ago +2 / -0

The people these MFs have harmed will not get justice in this ethereal plane! These Mfs had police checkpoints on their rape victims route threatening them to shut up or take bullets! There reign is over and they need to face justice!

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