My gay best bud told me these same sentiments about three months ago. She's right
Last 2 days feel big. May God keep blessing the warriors
How convenient
This is cheese
The Kobe helicopter crash was the covid opener. What could this be
Mitch Hedburg
One is organic and natural. One is complete bullshit. Now you know. You're welcome
Butter= organic truth Margarine = synthetic lies
Armed as high as any Gov't
Why? She is an illuminati whore
Relation to Q?
Oz is a satanic bozo
I wore one too. Pshhh whipty doo. Time to ro something
Rich faggoty art Who cares Us poor folk are getting trampled Getting tired/ weary Fuck these tax loophole ficking worthless arts
Nope. Satanic illuminati cabal. All bow down to them and baphomet.
Dave Chappelle is probably a fake. Remember his trip to Africa?
Bill Burr is a faggot
Whipty doo. She a dumb cunt.
2 years ago I was lifetime banned for pretty much exactly saying tweet #7. Hope I get unbanned soon
The cover of hopium tines
He has a always been that or less. I'm not surprised
"He ain't tap dancing like he supposed to. HE A %#^$%!!!!" -Demonrats