Rooks 9 points ago +9 / -0

This is why you don't travel through Gary. To this day that is sound advice. Unfortunately.

Rooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

This. Team Evil is supporting Hamas Bigly. That alone is reason enough to support them for now. Add in Trump's support, kinda makes it a no brainer.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretty sure you have no idea how the supreme court actually works.

Just because reality doesn't bend to your perceived worldview doesn't make others morons. Also, your ignorance might make others seem arrogant, but knowledge isn't arrogance.

You may want to look up the Judicial system and their actual function. It may help you understand why they don't just make decisions and rulings the way you seem to want it.

Being that it is one third part of the fed gov't, it may be good to take a look at the entire thing. I'm still learning the nuances myself.


Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do what they did and photoshop everything you want into the picture.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where is their boat or scuba gear? What are they posing for?

This looks like an advertisement for plate carrier vests you'd see at Cheese R Us: Military Surplus Store in Wakeem, MI.

Rooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Foreign diplomats visiting.

Politicians are typically friends of the dictator.

It's kinda like lifestyles of the rich and famous meets Stalinistic purges.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just follow the 48+ hr rule, we'll have clarification by then.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Argentinian citizens mostly don't take their corrupt gov't seriously except for avoiding them and getting out of paying taxes as much as possible. A lot of it is because of this (mostly true) war:


The Great Lobster War:


Rooks 6 points ago +6 / -0

The corruption in Argentina is famously one of the worst kept secrets in the country.

Yes, they are there too. It goes all the way down to the local constabulary.


FACT: If you get pulled over for speeding you can negotiate the bribe to as little as $20.00 USD.


FACT: You don't have to lose 60%-100% of the value of your house sold in Buenos Ares when you try to bring it to the USA.
There are many bitcoin brokers who will convert it over for you while in country so you can get almost full value out w/o the gov't confiscating it.


MOSTLY FACT: Don't make friends with diplomats or politicians while there, they don't tend to last long and you don't want to dissappear when they do.

Rooks 14 points ago +14 / -0

Heads up. A lot of places are quietly going through a management restructuring.

Leadership is changing, often for the better. Something to look deeper in to.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, but imo, humiliate the crap outa him to maybe show what happens if you don't toe the line.

Get rid of the rest as possible.

Rooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Only counts if he gets a real conviction. In DC you can get up to 30 years for false alarm pulling. And a felony on your record.

If he gets at least 6 months I'd call it a win.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

That statement is assinine on its face. If you have a problem with FISA, which I doubt you even knew existed until the last few years, why haven't you been petitioning it's removal since 1978 when it was enacted by Congress?

Or, preferably why not challenge its existence through the courts and get it ruled unconstitutional? They would do it you know, if it was in fact, unconstitutional.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, I'm agreeing with you. How could they pitch so well compared to their (the diamondbacks) record.

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