Not trivializing the damage, but 2000 acres is not that much depending where it is. The smoke inhillation is much more dangerous to people as that is spread over a larger area and doesn't have to actively be burning you to hurt you. 2000 acre is only ~3 square miles. It's big sounding, but not really that big unless it is in town, then it's more about property damage and life safety.
I'm sorry to hear that it didn't work for you. My family has done the lysine treatment successfully, but not for heart disease.
My understanding is that it specifically works for arterial blockages. The lyzine actively dissolves the calcium buildup in the arteries. The vitamin c is there to repair the damage done to the arteries that caused the blockage in the first place, typically a tear, scratch or other issue within the vein or artery.
I've not heard of a specific home remedy for heart disease, i'm sorry. I don't have advice for that for you.
If I do hear of something I will try and get you the information.
So we actually got the regimen off of GAW, but I'll repeat it here. If I can find the bookmark I'll link it for you in another post.
In short, the original poster's father had major heart issues and he had done research on Lysine. They went ahead and did the regimen for several months, and it cleared up most all of his heart issues. Apparently his dad hasn't changed eating habits because he continues to do it for a month every year.
Anyways, about 13 years ago my mom had triple bypass surgery after finding ninety eight percent blockage. Then 2 years ago, she had another single bypass with 99% blockage. This last summer they wanted to put in yet another stent for a secondary artery which was at seventy percent. They gave her the option of waiting and said it wasnt critical, and scheduled a two month followup. I had been doing some lysine research, so I finally urged her to at least try it during the two month wait.
We checked with my family physician, and he said it's not going to hurt, It's just an amino acid and the vitamin C can't hurt either, though he did strongly recommend don't take more than three thousand milligrams of either in a single day due to her heart issues.
She agreed to try the Lysine treatment. So we started the treatment like I said before:
The original poster did 2k Lysine, and 2k vit c in the morning, and again at night. We did 1k each morning and night because we were nervous about it. She said it made her feel weird, but not in a bad way, just different. She could tell it was doing something. After a month we went down to 500 mg of each, each morning and night.
The original pster emphasized (and I 100% agree) the most important thing is to fast before and after each dose. I don't remember which, but one of them doesn't work if you eat soon before and the other doesn't work if you eat soon after.
To simplify it, we made it part of the regimen to take them at the same time, and not eat for 2 hours before or one hour after. So, take as soon as you get up and wait an hour for breakfast. Then, don't snack for two hours before bed and take it when you go to sleep. You can drink water during the fasting time.
Basically, if you don't fast, your body will only absorb something like 15% or so, so it isnt nearly as effective.
So after the two months, my mom had her check up. Her blockage was down to 51%.
Never once had her blockages gone down in her life. She told them what she was doing, and they cancelled her procedure. They said they would check up with her again in six months and to keep up whatever she was doing.
After a wellness, check I started on it, too. Yes, i had the same weird feelings for the first couple weeks. I've noticed significant improvements in my circulation and overall health. It also got rid of some fuzzy headedness i didn't even realize I had.
About the only caveat is if you miss a dose. Or when you decide to stop taking it, if you're like me, you'll be in the bathroom frequently for the next day and a half., or until you start up again.
The idea is that the lyzine dissolves the plaque build up in the bloodstream rather than it breaking off in chunks, so there's no risk of a heart attack. The extra vitamin c follows up behind the areas uncovered by the plaque and will repair any damaged blood vessels and veins where the plaque had built up.
It's really quite an ingenious, and deceptively simple solution that makes so much sense that it almost defies logic. That was our concern, too. How could something so simple cure what weve been led to believe is a complex issue?
Well, I'm here to say that, yes, it does work once you start taking it and feel it and realize it, it makes total sense.
Biggest takeaway should be do between1k and 2k mg of each morning and night, fast before and after, and don't miss a dose. I recommend staying on the larger dose for 2-4 weeks, before going to a lower dose, but rally i think staying on the larger dose for up to 2 months would really help clean you out.
Also, i would recommend a maintenance dosage of five hundred of each for at least a month or two after that as well, just to make sure you get nice and cleaned out. A family friend of ours said his dad took a thousand a day for his whole life of each.
Short version, My mom had 70% blockage on a secondary artery. Took 1k mg vit c and Lysine for 1 month (2x daily) , then 1/2 that for 1 month (500 mg each 2x daily). Fast 2 hrs before dosage and 1 hr after (VERY important to fast).
At 2 month checkup blockage was down to 51%. First time in her life a heart problem was better than before. I have a longer version of this if you are interested, just let me know.
It does work and even the Doctor said it was safe. I've been doing it too and yes, it helps a lot.
In ye olden days, actors were considered to be on the same level as degenerates, gypsies, and people who commit adultery. People of questionable morality who lied for a living.
They were NOT people with whom you associated, much less let your children associate with.
Looks like those beliefs were not only justified, but dead on accurate for most of Hollywood.
I wouldn't mind a return to something of that level. Obviously it isn't everyone, and I'm sure there are some who wanted to be a positive force for change, but when it is so corrupt and morally bankrupt, you almost have to burn it down and start over...
OK, was I talking about Hollywood or the federal government?
That is idiotic. Murkowski is no leader of anything, but she is in it past her eyeballs. She is just another deepstate goon/soldier/in-on-it. She isn't anywhere near the level of the Clintons or Obamas or Rothchild.
What she is is a pedo leach who has been in bed with them for 30+ years and needs removed badly, like the rest of the deep state in lockstep with eachother.
This is the most likely scenario they are going for.
Isn't it interesting....its like I always said, the deep state doesn't just take their ball and go home if they don't get their way. They burn the playground to the ground if they don't get their way.
Well, except for the fact, though Russia is fighting the DS forces atm, they really are dicks in their own right.
While they are actively apposed to the DS and all those infected in Europe, they've never been aligned with our values, not even close.
At best, Russia is the epitome of, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I'm very comfortable with that. Allies however, at least publicly declared, I would NOT go that far.
"As the nation faces various challenges, including economic instability, ongoing conflict, and rising political tensions, the demand for accountability is becoming increasingly urgent among the populace and political figures alike."
That is one of the most PC, sanitized descriptions I've read in a long time. It should read:
--The country is all messed up, much of the population is dead or fled due to the war, which has left the country ravaged, while the leadership does nothing to solve the situation as it is so corrupt.--
Originally developed for hunting waterfowl, bored Poodles can get destructive if they aren’t physically and mentally stimulated.
Yeah, the typical poodle owner makes them look stupid, but they're more than capable of tearing you up.....
Now if you meant a TOY Poodle (AKA, Z sized), thats a different story. 😂
Ok, then what if we stop up all the oil coming through the US from Western Canada to Eastern? Bet that won't take long.