"“It is more important than ever that we maximize every opportunity to recharge our groundwater supplies,” Newsom said in a statement. “As we anticipate rain and snow in Northern California, we are also preparing to use every last drop to boost our water supply for communities and farms throughout the state.”
How long have you been governor Gavin? And NOW your just figuring this out after declaring droughts for how many years in a row now?
If the government wants to print money, they need to put out an order for a bridge or something we actually need. Contract a construction company to build said bridge and then print the money and give it to the contractor and we get a bridge for the new money instead of an interest charge to some rich family or banker.
"If a father works from home so he can get his young kids on the school bus in the morning and get them off the bus in the afternoon and suddenly he can't anymore, he will have to” ... get a cushy job in the PRIVATE sector job market...
There, I fixed it for you.
Most of the people in those in Pacific Palisades inherited the properties or purchased 40-50 years ago. With California prop 13, their property taxes were essentially frozen to 1% per year max. Because they wer regular joes, holding regular jobs, they were not “rich” although they lived in a “rich” area. To save money, they were under insured and now with no home , no place to live and possibly 1-2 years for an insurance payout, these peeps are pretty much destitute. All rental houses within 100 miles are rented, all hotels are filled, and these peeps still have to work. It will take years to get a clean permit, then building plans, permits, construction and inspections. 75% of these peeps are going to burn up the insurance money on maintaining life with no hope of building anything back. They will sell and the wealthy are going to scoop up two, three and four ocean view lots to build more mansions. 75% of these peeps will have to leave. Its over. The next gen wealthy win again...
Olympics in LA in 28. Three years and not a single facility planned, designed or built in a city where it takes 5 years to permit a garden shed. These cheating losers in government need to be tossed out and the Olympics in LA cancelled...
Sure, we won’t make you pay back what you stole. How about that....