Rusty-Shackleford 3 points ago +3 / -0

Look into Berkey water filters. They have fluoride attachments. Any water purification system is going to be an investment. I choose berkey because the filters last the longest and cheapest price per gallon after initial investment when comparing filters and longevity.

Rusty-Shackleford 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s hard to swallow that an entire shift of officers were cowards. Lends credence to the police are there to bring the body bags, self preservation lies with each of us.

Rusty-Shackleford 0 points ago +0 / -0

Interesting. Thanks for sharing. We cook on cast iron for most things. We have a smoker and a grill outdoors but I’d like a cooktop type, and this Blackstone sounds appealing.

Rusty-Shackleford 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just don’t pay for it. Arrrr matey

Rusty-Shackleford 1 point ago +1 / -0

I roasted my first duck about a year ago and saved all the fat. Amazingly delicious bird! We do it at least twice a month. The fat is so versatile. Everything from eggs to veggies cooked in duck fat is delicious.

Rusty-Shackleford 4 points ago +4 / -0

We could defeat that with paper ballots yeah? Hmm

Rusty-Shackleford 5 points ago +5 / -0

Just report the boating accident that happened last weekend.

Rusty-Shackleford 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn’t know they were so blatant about it on late night shows. Cringeworthy

Rusty-Shackleford 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did he say bi-racial commercials at the very end?? Weird point to make, hmmm

Rusty-Shackleford 3 points ago +3 / -0

One of my kids burst an ear drum last month. Several days of clear/bloody drainage. Antibiotic ear drops I had from last summer and time fixed it (2 weeks). He complained of pain one morning, and the pain was gone that evening and the draining ensued. I used a tele doc to call in scripts for my kid last year when he had bad swimmers ear. 5 min video call explaining symptoms. I bought an otoscope for around $40 and it has lasted several years. Im basically an ent now between all my kids

Rusty-Shackleford 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was the time frame people like corsi and Jones were saying we spoke to Q or some bull shit. I took it as referring to no comms outside this medium.

Rusty-Shackleford 1 point ago +1 / -0

The sheer irony of wearing a mask and advocating for muh body muh choice.

Rusty-Shackleford 4 points ago +4 / -0

This guy gets it. Clear, concise, and not 1500 pages of clown speak.

Rusty-Shackleford 46 points ago +46 / -0

Guy doesn’t even realize he’s being played.

Rusty-Shackleford 4 points ago +4 / -0

Completely agree. Would also dilute his following on Truth. Does that mean Q#55 will be on truth now?

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