S11houette 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can't say I complied with the COVID-19 orders.

I expect to respond in exactly the same way I did before.

Reasonable caution until I get sufficient data to justify greater caution or more likely none at all.

But they have been going on about the bird flu for 20 years. That's just background noise.

S11houette 1 point ago +1 / -0

Regarding 2: they don't. Most priests aren't even in a position to be able to. Maybe in the 50's? But not today.

The rates of pedophilia in the church is below that found in teachers and in society as a whole.

The problem is the rate should be zero so whenever a priest commits such a grave sin you hear about it across the globe. In part this is because of the hatred in our media. In contrast, You might not even hear about a teacher if you're in the same school. Protestant abuse might not even hit the local news because it's not seen as being relevant to a more broad area. Overtly false accusations are also very common against church members, especially from mentally ill people.

S11houette 1 point ago +1 / -0

They could nuke marilago and use it as a pretext to take us into another fake war.

Who knows what is going to happen? Still a long way to go.

S11houette 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. That's absurd. There's nothing to go on but a vague resemblance.

There's no connection to trafficking either. Teresa and her people focused on serving older adults, not children.

S11houette 6 points ago +6 / -0

And he doesn't claim to be.

I've always tried to listen to people who challenge my views. I find little value listening to someone who thinks exactly like I do.

The vast majority of such voices became virulently irrational and exceedingly dishonest.

Tim is the last person I know of that isn't one of us but still tries hard to be reasonable and honest.

S11houette 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's funny, I never really liked Bach. He's ok, but he's no Mozart.

S11houette 1 point ago +2 / -1

Depends on time of day and the direction of the hanger opening. The people on the far side could be in sunlight.

S11houette 1 point ago +1 / -0

The left will never secede.

You think they would dissolve the FDA, the EPA, the FBI, the CIA, the CDC etc... all in one fell swoop. Nope.

S11houette 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then: 3 cookies for 1$ Now: 1 cookie for 3$

S11houette 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. That is exactly what they are trying to do.

They are quibbling about the motive so that they can ignore the big question of why he was able to get a shot off.

S11houette 1 point ago +1 / -0

Give it time. Most of us didn't like Trump at first. Trump's pick will have to prove himself as well.

S11houette 3 points ago +3 / -0

They wrote the laws. They wrote the loop holes.

S11houette 6 points ago +6 / -0

They don't have the follow any set of rules. They can pick whoever they want without even having a convention. They are not bound to anything. Not even democracy.

They will just select someone different and everyone will be told it's normal. There are no consequences if they don't follow their own rules.

As to the funding, most of it goes to pacs anyway. They can spend it as they please.

S11houette 1 point ago +1 / -0

They used the 25th a long time ago.

What your process is missing is what happens if he does not disagree.

There was a recent video on here of Biden and his handler at a waffle House after the debate.

Secret service followed Biden in. They didn't enter before him... Then they get their order which was not premade and they used their name. There was clearly zero food security. Secret service wasn't protecting him. They were escorting him. Really weird, but it suggests not only that he isn't president, but that our adversaries know he isn't as well.

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