I'll explain
Seek media person who owns article and news agency. See people 2ho control it. Wiki the owners and 'journalist', oh jews nice. So,etimes have to dig a little deeper than wiki but it's there. Always.
Read talmud. Holyfuck.org
Definition of loxism.
These people hate you and your god with malicious intent.
Follow that rabbit hole all the way down. Find weinmar. Newly understanding of Hitler's rise.
YFW you have no choice but to be antisemitic or fail to exsist for future of your own race.
Fuck palastine and fuck israel.
Why is eveyr c9nservative cucked for israel.
They literally have babysitters watching and influencing our congress.
Rest of video is pretty cool. But can't stand that uss liberty forgetting 9-11 ignoring, crap about isrealhell is our greatest ally.
Guys are silly.
Biden mental capacity is degrading.
They are about to dump biden. So they can play all this show shit like justice is playing through. The fauci thing, he's answering congress now instead of years ago because goldfish mentality of people. Will jew rat dancing serve any time? Call don't remember african aids in 1981?
Already know origins It's hard to say if this is bullshit or all of congress is doing the right thing?
You don't find this unanimous support unless they're voting on giving our money away to foreign countries freely and without payback. Even countries that are maliciously destroying our culture civilization religon principles and values.
This isn't planned boomerang and all that jazz. Just a malicious attack, the appeals court in that district is all black females. Blacks in power are some of the racist people you'll know. They're this way because they are selected and pushed through schools that teach this garbage. If they weren't profiled as racist, they wouldn't have gotten jobs in their positions. Jew York city is set this way. Trump will need supreme courts to stop the shanagins.
I had a discussion with a friend on just this point as I drive through my neighborhood seeing a big South American flag in someone’s garage. That people who come here should be American and not come to change this land into the shitty place they come from. And that there’s no business in dual citizens in offices for loyalty cannot be guaranteed. (Like tons of politicians being dual citizens to Israel) it’s about loyalty. Always have been
The ny district appeals court is packed with only DEI hired black women who would love nothing more than to destroy a powerful rich White male. The only way he avoids this sham is if the Supreme Court steps in (unlikely) and reviews or stays the case until further investigation can be done.
Only a Sith deals in absolutes. I never liked trump. I think he speaks in a way consistent of a 4th grader with autism. I did vote for him 2x because I did like most of his policies and how he is able to rally Americans against political corruption. However, I do not support any politicians lusting for Israel like they can do no harm, or never be bad. I’m tired of all politicians shilling for a foreign nation, whether it’s for Ukraine and or Israel, without question. Israeli influences in our politics and policies is apparent. When Americans need a border, need justice in cities, new roads and cheaper energy, new education system that teaches that whites aren’t evil and racism goes both ways, education and corporations that advertise race mixing to rid the nation of any White representation when it was White blood that freed slavery, taught for independence etc etc. how about some justice for child trafficking, Covid fear mongering and cdc murder policies? Our nation is allowing Islamic illegals rape without consequence, yet our politicians can only agree and get done that which only benefits Israel. Until we break the chains of slavery to Israel and Ukraine, fuck any and all politicians.
Umm the picture.. if those are the drones being used to stop invasion. An outdated DJI mavik pro with a 28m battery life and only 4m range. I’d ask for tax money back.
Drones needed are militant grade with some bad boys hanging off the wings. With mock speeds. Drop on infiltrators
That’s cool. I’m Optimus prime in the summer and Superman in the winter. I can jump my couch in almost a single bound. I ralley the autobots whenever we hear fire trucks and race with them to save lives and put out fires. Except they’re too fast and we go home for koolaid about half hour in.
Exactly. It at least will loosen the grip on the younger generations that Israel has established. Conservatives above the age of 35 all seem to have some sort of misguided loyalty to Israel. But the younger generation, after Covid-that showed us that the system is filled with lies. Are understanding that the foreign land of Israel is no special nation and should be held to same standards. But we all know their atrocities.
I don’t know why people dislike the protest.
In my opinion, based on logic and factual evidence, Israel is not americas ally. In fact they are a hidden enemy of liberty, peace and White people. Loxism the hatred of White people. Epstein was Israeli intelligence sent here to blackmail our politicians to own them. And If one enemy is calling out the other enemy, should we care? They literally did this to themselves as they have since the starting of time. Let them fight. Palestine isn’t our friend either. But even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Class action lawsuits. Where Jewish lawyers group together a bunch of victims. Sue for $100M. Gets 90 of that 100M. Divides the $10m by 150m people. Taxed at 34% and other fees. $13B didn’t stop the evils of big pharm. we need reform. FDA allows poisons, cdc needs distance for good. Big pharm should be held accountable criminally. Not civil. Crimes against humanity should be a public thing. Not some back door lawsuit settled and victims get screwed again. Max pay. Limit lawyer fees, criminal penalties by public hanging. There needs to be fear in the counsel meetings at big pharm boards. And if you serve the FDA you are banned from taking any job within the medical industry. And your finances audited.