Santa_Claus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not their morality, but mine.

Gonna take a while.

Santa_Claus 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's edited, the small blue/gray line under the hub gives it away. The hub is overly of another app.

Santa_Claus 3 points ago +3 / -0

You tell that to the venues, those pricks changed it up 3 times in 3 years. First year was cash-ONLY for concessions or souvenirs, no cards accepted at all.

The second year it was CARDS only. Nobody accepted cash.

Then this last time, in February, it was again card only for concessions and cash only for souvenirs.

Fucking. Retarded.

Santa_Claus 1 point ago +2 / -1

Zoom in... Why are the faces all fucked up

Santa_Claus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well if it costs me $100 in fuel to drive to work per day (hyperinflation) but I'm only paid $100 for that days work, why would I keep doing it?

It would be impossible to find work that paid at the same rate as inflation, making all work performed and paid a net negative for the worker given cost of living increase.

Santa_Claus 15 points ago +15 / -0

Didn't he announce a live press conference or statement he would be giving from MAR-A-LAGO on Tuesday?

If he were scheduling that speech, why go to NY for this dog and pony show?

Unless he knows he will be back home in FL by Tuesday PM for said speech?

Santa_Claus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dead for me on Android. Pixel, if that matters.

Tried via VPN just in case, same results, no response from the site.

Santa_Claus 11 points ago +11 / -0

I can't wrap my head around telling an employee to get an injection or lose their job.

I have 12 employees and told them, when they asked, since I didn't see any reason to address it before, if they want to get the shot they are welcome to. There would be no requirement to do so and they are free to do as they wish. That rule applied to masks too since nobody wore them at any point, if you feel it help, go for it, but I'm not about to tell you how to live your life.

Those that did must have been on a power trip because I'd never make anyone do something they felt was wrong - ESPECIALLY an employee.

Santa_Claus 2 points ago +2 / -0

The article says the lasers were for carbon tracking and were emitting light at 1527nm (far infrared), which regular camera and humans can not see.

If we saw GREEN lasers (520-540nm), the above information from the article can not be true.

Someone is lying.

Santa_Claus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Green is in the 500nm wavelength, the article itself says the lasers the satellite uses are 1572nm which is WAY below the wavelength humans can see, our eyes max out at around 700nm.

Lasers in the 1500nm wavelength would be entirely invisible to humans, and just about any normal camera, it DEFINITELY wouldn't be green to us or any camera as it's infrared. At best it would appear white to a camera and we would NEVER be able to see it with naked eyes.

Bullshit it's for carbon tracking. The whole story is full of info that doesn't make sense.

Santa_Claus 37 points ago +38 / -1

As much as I enjoy the sweat and tears from those who know how fucked they are, I'd prefer to see them perp walked - or lynched.

No deals, no forgiveness, no mercy.

Santa_Claus 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it don't belong up there, it won't be long for this sky.

I like this mentality.

Santa_Claus 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like his videos, but the mouth smacks make it impossible for me to really enjoy it. Idk why that bothers me SO much.

Santa_Claus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Absolutely agree, string them up in public or let some local mom's and dad's have em.

They deserve nothing less than absolute torture and pain until they stop breathing. No matter what they do with their lives they will never repair the damage that they have done. Ever.

Santa_Claus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Imagine how stupid the average idiot is, and then realize half of them are dumber than THAT.

  • Carlin

Some people will never use the brain God gave them for anything past mate, feed, repeat.

On that topic, I suppose that is one thing I do agree with the Democrats on, some people just flat out deserve to die and humanity would be better off without them.

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