Scipio_Americanus 2 points ago +2 / -0

It would have been their first video to get more upvotes than downvotes ?

Scipio_Americanus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well it's not all sunshine and rainbows like maybe Scavino would like us to believe.

  1. Keystone pipeline cancelled.
  2. Biden signing 42 executive orders that, if we're being honest, will probably all survive scrutiny from SCOTUS.
  3. Conservative censorship continues unabated, and libs are trying to get us classified as domestic terrorists. And banking institutions are helping them.
  4. The fomenting of a race war continues...

The list can go on.

Scipio_Americanus 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wish the play speed was about half of what it was. Some of the headlines and connections are just a blur.

Scipio_Americanus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is your favorite Sarsaparilla? ?

Scipio_Americanus 6 points ago +10 / -4

This kind of rubs me the wrong way (granted, I'm in a sour mood so it's probably skewing my perspective.) Maybe they're projecting confidence with this video, but last time I checked the country was falling apart. This is quite literally Nero fiddling while Rome burns.

Scipio_Americanus 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm going to use that full name for that traitor from now on!

Scipio_Americanus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Man, that would've been a golden opportunity to ask that poster about black people being denied mortgage loans in the '50s and '60s to prevent them from moving into the suburbs - by the poster's logic, those black people weren't banned, they just didn't "qualify."

Scipio_Americanus 2 points ago +2 / -0
  1. The guy on Trump's right looks like Pence, so that's a bit of a fail.

  2. I'm kind of curious why the artist has a new tree of Liberty growing out of the pavement. That tree should be transplanted and I'm sure the artist isn't intentionally trying to make the People look like 'tards, so there must be some meaning to it.

  3. The police would be dispersing anyone who even remotely looked patriotic.

Scipio_Americanus 1 point ago +1 / -0

This type of post is why I can't use Community Styling. ?

Scipio_Americanus 1 point ago +1 / -0

It seems like we're both right. Initial dispersion is with water droplets, but the water can evaporate and leave the virus to disperse through the air on its own.


So a mask will help protect people if the virus is still airborne via droplets (however there's no way for us to observe this outside of a lab,) which will increase the amount of viral load required to infect a person. I'm curious if a mask with enough condensation from exhalation would be still more effective.

Scipio_Americanus 8 points ago +8 / -0

As long as he ends any 2024 announcement with, "Oh, by the way... My fellow Americans, a storm is upon us" I'll be fine with it. ?

Scipio_Americanus 1 point ago +2 / -1

The virus doesn't just float through the ether. Let that sink in.

It's embedded in water droplets that exit the body with the most force via sneezing/coughing. And those masks will absorb most of the water droplets.

I'm still not worried about the Rona because I'm not a fat diabetic, but you need to understand how these things work.

Scipio_Americanus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stolon. That's a new one for me. ??‍♂️

by mpow13
Scipio_Americanus 30 points ago +30 / -0

If they're that Leftist, just tell them you identify as trans-vaxxed. And they're bigots if they don't accept you.

Scipio_Americanus 4 points ago +5 / -1

That's what makes me hate this datefag crap.

These people aren't even looking at the content. "Oooooooh, it has the word "future" in it!" Yeah? And the most recent post is talking about the leadership of a corrupt Congress. So what if the post was timed intentionally because the BAD GUYS are now in control?

Scipio_Americanus 3 points ago +4 / -1

If YOU actually value rights and free speech, then receiving a negative comment shouldn't come as a surprise to you.

Scipio_Americanus 6 points ago +6 / -0

From the comments:

  1. Supposedly JAM is a codeword for adrenochrome (I got my JAM!)

  2. MM is a reference to the Freemasons... if you rotate the letters 90degrees clockwise, you have 33.

Scipio_Americanus 5 points ago +5 / -0

But the foreign minister is the one with links to John Kerry, who we know is a corrupt POS.

Scipio_Americanus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dinesh D'Souza had a great explanation, but I've had a hard time finding a video clip. I'm commenting in the hope this jogs another another anon's memory and they can chime in.

Edit: Found a link where he explains it, but it's not short - https://youtu.be/yu2VsZPplug

TLDR: Southern states were racist and Democrat. Conventional wisdom is they stayed racist and became Republican (ergo R's are racist.) BUT, Dinesh points out that racist attitudes were actually declining prior to the Civil Rights Act and that as the South became LESS racist, they became MORE Republican.

Scipio_Americanus 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'd show her the picture of Hunter in bed with a child.

Scipio_Americanus 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've always found it laughable that liberals will raise hell over voter ID because it will "disenfranchise" minorities, but they couldn't care less when fraudulent votes disenfranchise legitimate ones.

Scipio_Americanus 0 points ago +1 / -1

Calm down, your inbreeding is showing.

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