I’m all for a good laugh but this is something That isn’t a laughing matter any way you put it
Yes Just fan fiction from weeks ago with a couple new touches for April fools day
What planet are you viewing this from, they thought the system would, sure looks like there system is working pretty damn good at protecting them not one has gone down
It’s only illegal if you get caught ?
First thing that caught my attention immediately was the cross on the bag
The money and power he has he’ll be long gone before that happens
Flu is the same ever year stfu sheeple
I don’t think you do either, false flags can be real or fake , you act like there’s a handbook with guide lines they follow ?
Along with the rest of the “influencers”
Actual he is, I’m from ct we live in the same town. I guess I’ve had multiple conversations with a imaginary person ?
But still using dominion voting machines! Come on man!
His girls last name really bothers me
Exactly you can speak you can breath! If you’ve never been able to breathe you know
They don’t it’s just tactics to demoralize it helps with brainwashing it makes it easier cause there more susceptible, just like The lock downs We’re ment to do break people down mentally.
My sister works at a pharmacy I see her once a week it’s all she talks about And gets excited to talking about it. She Talks about the ton of people coming in in to get it,We’re saving the world blah blah I don’t even want to reaper what she says I feel like I’m in the twilight zone It’s gotten so bad I stopped wasting my time saying otherwise it’s like talking to a wall like I never even said anything she’s so brainwashed. I feel like some people who aren’t waking up to the bs are getting programmed even deeper. It’s not the same as a year ago people are seriously going beyond crazy almost like a dog in transition of rabies taking over. Kind of makes me wonder if the vax has rabies in it and there minds are slipping making them even more susceptible to further brainwashing.
Almost like a arrow pointing at something ?
I wonder how many of those ships waiting have the essentials that country is waiting for, funny how this came right as Britain and the USA are About to hammer them with sanctions. Seems like this boat could serve multiple purposes
Sure is kills far more people
The timing ??
He’s a parrot influencer with a YouTube channel and a podcast who gets his info from telegram and interviews people like Charlie ward and Simon parkes another words a BULLSHIT ARTIST making $ selling b.s