Secret555 1 point ago +2 / -1

its not like jews own most of the entertainment industry or hollywood. jews always project because all they can see is their nose in the horizon and child rape

Secret555 3 points ago +3 / -0

she is already being destroyed. guarantee the reality has hit...she will be mocked in the end. rich as fuck but a bigger clown than current madonna

Secret555 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sweet. I truly want the community to dictate the process.

Secret555 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am currently opening a private non-profit platform for Christian based home-schooling. I am looking for beta testers especially instructors and smaller groups to test out private group areas, forums and to develop lessons and courses. PM if interested.

Secret555 2 points ago +2 / -0

Spring is nearly here so soon enough. All nesting and angry shitting everywhere. After the farm workers from the Caribbean arrive the geese show up to further torment university campuses for YouTube status.

Secret555 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry to hear you are at a low. The only true answer is to pull yourself by your bootstraps. Even if you did one significant thing a day. Clean, workout, learn a skill or craft, whatever. Your life would be dramatically different in a month, year and lifetime. One step forward. As long as you are doing one positive thing a day for yourself, family or community you are doing what God intended. Tiny little changes and increases all add up.

Secret555 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gotta love them quads. Bump.

Secret555 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the link. Haven't had Fakebook since the Micheal Jackson era. Good to see a lot of support. A great Canadian protest. Good food, people helping others and many memories to be had. Tyrants.

Secret555 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same here. Haven't shopped at Walmart in years. I try to get others on board but that cheap Chyna crap just lures them in.

Secret555 2 points ago +2 / -0

Please trickle down to Ontario. The mask zombies are still in full force and I have been coming across more double masked covidiots. I live in a neighborhood with 3 schools and it is disheartening to see students walking alone with their masks on.

Secret555 6 points ago +6 / -0

To be honest it is a shit show in my building. Several of the tenants were trying to evict a 90 some year old woman on a ventilator because she used to walk the hallways with no mask. They are all brainwashed and it is easier just to ignore it all. There are a couple of us men who know what's up. Unfortunately many older woman live here so the building kinda takes more of a liberal trend. I have bigger battles to win right now.

Secret555 4 points ago +4 / -0

No, she was just a concerned citizen. You know, looking out for my well being. The gym is by appointment only due to Omni. So, actually she was breaking the rules now that I think of it. 🤡 🌎

Secret555 14 points ago +14 / -0

I can't wait for some to awaken. Had to wait for several elevators just this morning because people in my building believe it is too dangerous to have more than one person in the elevator. Literally the door opens and the person says sorry while frantically pushing the door close button. This has been going on for 2 years. Was using the apartment building gym the other day and some nosy lady came in to ask if I was vaccinated as it is illegal for me to use the gym by myself. Seriously, the level of Idiocracy is startling.

Secret555 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was one of his big specimens. I spent many hours in the vault plugged in to his machines. Pure darkness locked in a bank vault which was soundproof. 45 minutes of talking to my girlfriend through mental projection. I was miked and expected to vocalize the experience. They liked me when I quit because I would fuck with the machinery. Got bored and figured if the were monitoring me through electrical impulse that it could go both ways. Good times, especially trying to get all that goop out of my hair so I could run to work.

Secret555 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well to be honest when I first started in tech there were way more Whites then the companies realized they could rope the foreign students into working for free or next to nothing. All of a sudden it was companies entirely made up of people from India with the obligatory Caucassian bosses and managers. But, after a few years they had a little rebellion and they switched the entire labour force to Chinese. I felt bad for these Chinese workers as they had no social skills and couldn't even communicate (amongst themselves). Real drones. I decided to get out at that point since working in an environment where everyone shits on you for being a White male but have to work with a sea of foreigners that can't even dress themselves. Funny thing is through all the changes it always remained the same White management and club that made the real money... which I did. Diversity and inclusiveness is switching the labour group once they are no longer needed.

Secret555 4 points ago +4 / -0

Everything is trying to be woke. I attend a tech convention every year for the past 7-8 years. All developers and I can tell you it is a diverse crowd. But, this year they sent me an invitation and the event is actually called Diversity and Inclusiveness. I don't know why they would think that is a good title for an event but it just sickened me as the tech industry is already quite diverse and unfortunately inclusive.

Secret555 4 points ago +4 / -0

To be honest I will be not be patching up many of my previous relationships with friends and family. After being labelled every nasty trope they could use to bring shame on me for believing in what I believe in. I was perfectly correct about everything I have communicated for years and they still try to antagonize and ridicule. I have had family members flat out not invite me to outings (I spent my bday, Christmas and New Years eve alone, which is all in December) and have yet to have anyone apologize for so. I am not a child and not being acknowledged during the holidays is something I can deal with. But, in my point of view I would have never treated them in such a way for their beliefs. There is a double standard in this world where some of us can be treated like ass for our beliefs but we have to be accepting of their craziness.

A little of a rant but I am disgusted by many I know and even though I am Christian and should be looking for a positive outlook. The line has been crossed. I am my own man and to be honest my life is way less dramatic and complicated without most of them.