I too have a husband asleep at the wheel. He is anxiously awaiting his third vax. I wish it wasn’t so… just know that you’re not alone… we’re in this together.
Yes!! This is the kind of post that got me here long ago. 😃
Trust science, HA! Did you know that “science” told us it was ok to operate on infants without anesthetic until the mid 90’s? My baby cousin had open heart surgery with no anesthetic in 1995 because the science said that’s just how we do things, and it’s ok because everyone is doing it. But science certainly wouldn’t do anything crazy like that in the 21st century…
You wishing for Kamala? C’mon man.
Hi, my name is Anonymous and I’m addicted to truth and get a raging boner for justice.
Rules don’t apply to the daughter of a satanic pedophile. We won’t forget.
Stand strong, my fren!
I’m in Illinois too and our school district did the same. I am appalled at the number of elementary kids that got vaccinated just so they wouldn’t have to wear a mask. I foresee this turning into “vaccinate or lose funding”, but I pray that’s not the case.
NBC? 👏🏻👏🏼👏🏽👏🏾👏🏿
I got sick last week with what I thought was covid. Turns out it wasn’t but I still took horse paste and it knocked it out. I feel so good, my joints don’t even hurt! I feel less brain fog too.
The whole part about sexual immorality being related to parasites that want to spread is totally plausible. Makes me think that the snake in the Garden of Eden was probably a parasite.
This is quite an eye opening read!
Of course not, but anyone with half a brain could see that as a possibility. Especially given big pharma’s track record. I’m just surprised they’re willing to kill off so many customers so quickly.
Yes!! This is the way! United we stand… pun intended 😉
Demons in flesh
That’ll be $66,000
Hello from St. Charles! It’s nice to know there are sane people nearby!
How do we fix fluoride and pesticides in the water? When the sky is white should we go outside? How do you escape poison in the air?
Cannabis has been far more effective than any pharma psychostimulant or antidepressant I’ve been prescribed. Also facilitated my awakening. CBD also enhances libido.
Stop trying to convince them. Your obligation is to protect your children and educate them to stop the cycle of stupid. To trust the plan is to trust that it’s in God’s hands and he will see victory in the end. Focus on spreading the word or God and being around people who value and appreciate him. If you’re not there yet, I suggest diving into basic quantum physics: energy, frequency, vibration. When you realize how beautiful and perfect everything is above and below, and how everything is in perfect sync, you realize that god is in control. Fear not, my friend.
I’ve been saying this since masking started! Global warming or not, we need to care for this beautiful gift we’ve been given. Stop using the useless masks just to throw them away.
Go watch Nickelodeon for a few minutes and you’ll want to throw up. Henry Danger- man boy love… all that has gay boys. They also add in crt during commercial breaks.
Well we already know that they never let a crisis go to waste, so they are for sure dipping their hands into the pot of gold when they can. This is most definitely about population control though.
C’mon man! Just get your vaccine.
This guys is either an idiot or a brilliant sociopath.