SkivStryker 3 points ago +3 / -0

James woods!!!

SkivStryker 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s not about sex at all. They feed on stolen innocence. Destroying the life and purity of innocence FOREVER is what they crave. It’s not lust, but power, dominance, and destruction

SkivStryker 1 point ago +1 / -0

“If the Army and the Navy Ever looked on Heaven’s scenes They will find the streets are guarded by The UNITED STATES MARINES!” Oooorah!

I am so sorry for your entire situation. We will stand here long after to continue the work. Please know that we are all praying for you!!

SkivStryker 0 points ago +2 / -2

Guys, this has to be done legally and by the books. That means Congress is the target. Look at congress now; heavily controlled by socialists. Step one of offensive is securing the election; unfortunately, the election had to be stolen for this to reach masses. Step two is big tech & media takedown (seeing it now). Step three is big tech & media replacement (educating the people—not til February DWAC). Step four is prosecutorial discovery phase (indictments of high value, profile, & high crimes AFTER media control falls. At this point socialist Congress will ignore and do nothing while pedogate, SpyGate, russiagate, & insurrectiongate painfully are exposed (IMO October BEFORE midterms). This is suicide weekend (media pulling their own plug) Step five is Congress—midterms; secured elections and educated populace=destruction of old guard. Step six is media coverage on a scale we have not seen in years—DECLAS to educate ppl. Step seven is military courts. We have a whole year. Remember, “dark winter” is Dec-Feb. then there are another 8 months following dark winter; a decent amount of time wake the masses.

SkivStryker 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just remember, “it’s ‘impossible’ to be racist if you aren’t white.”

This whole CRT BS is PURE racist ideology. It’s the Democrats agenda to spin blame on why minorities FEEL left out in society.

“We will help you when we get elected” Followed by “There’s only so much we can do for you in a racist system”


SkivStryker 2 points ago +2 / -0

I coach my kids youth football team to “get away” and it helps tremendously. We all need a hobby aside from digging to keep our own peace!

SkivStryker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please don’t think I’m condoning violent behavior. But I’ve read and experienced my fair share of battlefield strategy and have to say: what scares me the most is the moment we realize we waited too long to do ANYTHING. Patriot founders are straight ROLLING in their graves because we think these people actually acknowledge opposing viewpoints backed by facts. What I’m getting at is that I think it’s time to at least generate a contingency plan for the dreadful day we may realize things might get ugly. The romanticism of battle is disgusting and most ppl that do it have never seen more than a quart of blood at once. I mean A PLAN where all Patriots are on the same page should comms go dark for months. Furthermore, if THEY know they’re fucked isn’t it obvious they’ll stop at nothing to fuck everyone else too?

by Quelle
SkivStryker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mohave county AZ….look it up!!

SkivStryker 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have red pilled over 40 ppl to see what lies behind the veil. All thanks to Q. I don’t take any credit, as I too was red pilled by a curious co-worker. Since the beginning it has been one hell of a ride. But all of this content cannot go to waste, we MUST unite the masses to think for themselves.