At some point the narrative has to break down somehow People should have clued in when Q allows for takedown of the entire political system but somehow medical cartel nah bro you dont question that even Q said not allvaccines are bad that means its true, lol jk. The american revolution was set up its all fake I never really had doubts as to Q being real or not its just the God of Q is most definately not Jesus Christ
Ur allowed to rebel against the colony they literally set that up on purpose The founders are not talking about the true God they worship lucifer the next step in biblical prophecy is global new order of the ages which is what they are carrying out by exposing the illuminati satan is about to clean house to make way for a new system where people will enslave themselves thinking their idols ate progress dont be a political pawn work to advance the kingdom of God if you put faith in man you are cursed. But do not question medicine lol that is a nono medicine good you slave!!!!
The american revolution itself was fake and gay everything is a hoax following Q like gospel theres a quote for that from God: “those who put faith in men are cursed”I say to forever be a political pawn. This ivermectin crap etc is mind numbingly absurdly retarded and proof this place is a big pharma psyop youve already started parroting the meme that big pharma is legit on some level the elite are laughing at you guys check my submitted for proofs but vqccines are so retarded I cant even just go learn stuff
Study Aajonus Vonderplanitz and u wont have to. 200+ year lifespan he discovered diseases cancer etc being deadly is a hoax if u just eat raw meat. Theyve known since they started the war on germs this is the true cure.
I wash my shit 3 times in a row sometimes cuz i forget it and starts to smell bad