I really want to know what was in the gun safe!
The elites have their own supply chains - they wouldn't go for a rando on the internet. I'm ok with this getting the street scum. Q team is going for the satanic pedovores in power.
Haha - I so want my TDS in-laws to finally see what a great man our President is. But I don't know if they will ever get there. Brainwashed, stubborn and self-righteous. So yep, I just hold my tongue.
I think real Hunter is long gone and we are watching an actor in a movie. That's my take, anyway. So he's definitely working with the white hats just like fake Joe!
And they don't want us calling them lizard people. 🦎
Google's terms are acceptable. I don't care what they call me.
Those faces. Heartbreaking.
My in-laws are going to explode. TDS to the max just like their vaxxes and boosters. I am shamefully giddy waiting to see it happen.
The title of the post is the link to the video on Vimeo!
I hate to break it to you . . .
Rightly so. Pretty much ruined her career. That was a shame.
It's more like interdimensional beings. We know space is fake and gay.
We're watching a movie that has a slow enough story timeline the thickest of the sheeple should start noticing. Any day now . . .
Yes, I don't think the kid will make it to 30. That's sad.
He's a Chinese/cabal puppet. He's in too deep to do the right thing.
Exactly! They wouldn't have tried to drown it in the bathtub if they didn't know how it exposes them all.
Do you remember who the mod was? There is one that is tyrannical on stuff like that. Which is stupid. If Q is not posting, we should be able to discuss any areas of interest surrounding the cabal and the state of our country. I would think.
More word bullshit psyop on the left. Sex is immutable but gender is "fluid" in their demonic minds. It's all BS.
They don't?? I didn't know that. They are real!
Do you think they really can't? I would imagine the demons in the cabal ate up the posts as hungrily as we did so they could try to figure out where the white hats were going. I think they know. They are just paid to spit out lies and propaganda. But maybe they truly are that dumb?
Who would have guessed any of these people would find people willing to have sex with them. Gruesome and disgusting.
In two years it will be 2026. 250 years after 1776. We're headed in the right direction now, it just doesn't look like it. I am positive the cabal is losing badly and by 2026 Trump will have righted a lot of wrongs. But the sheeple have to see how evil the cabal is before they will accept what has to happen to them. Chins up, anons! We are winning! NCSWIC!
Feet first.