SocialismSucks69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Show them all of the Bible verses this site has and then tell them it’s from this site. They’ll mull over it and if they’re honest with themselves they will pray over it. Always give people a chance to critically think of something. Its the best you can do with such a defensive psychology set up for themselves you are just avoiding triggers and punching holes in their world view a little at a time.

SocialismSucks69 8 points ago +8 / -0

Patriots of the United federation of high bmi is more like it. We pledge allegiance to the dollar menu of the countrywide chain of McDonald’s. Bring us szechuan sauce, unlimited streaming, and universal basic income. Oh and lord antifa please bring back grandpa Biden’s sense of smell again.

SocialismSucks69 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a perfect meme. The “scary” version is no more than a figment of someone’s imagination and full of fluff and plaster. While the real truth would rather be your friend and lick your face.

SocialismSucks69 2 points ago +2 / -0

This smells of soylent green. Impossible meat?!? Its people!!! Its not plants!! Its people!!! Lol

SocialismSucks69 1 point ago +1 / -0

That looks like west coast buses specifically oregon buses. I’m not suprised. She probably is too scared to take off the mask but doesn’t mind sending a message to others.

SocialismSucks69 7 points ago +7 / -0

Sudan, Hungary, Istanbul, and Turkey should join so it can be called SHITBRICS lol

SocialismSucks69 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think they’ve wrung as much blood from this old ass stone as they possibly can. He is out to pasture even with the mountain of uppers they’re using.

SocialismSucks69 8 points ago +8 / -0

The funny thing is this could be labeled as a libel/slander publication since the satire fact is so out of view and not obvious it’s fake. There will be a few people out there that take it as 100% fact and Tim hortons could sue or the ceo could sue. Probably not since any association with this kind of allegation is very incendiary and hurts anyone’s image lol. They just don’t get it.

SocialismSucks69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never jabbed. Only had tested once otherwise I was homeless. Then magically two weeks later I’m sick for two days with a horrible cough like a heavy cold. Took ivermectin and zinc along with vitamins and rest. Instead of two weeks like sone had said I was back working in two days. Always knew testing was a scam and that as soon as everyone stopped testing the whole damn thing would just go away overnight.

SocialismSucks69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wore headphones since my kid is in the room. The ending felt so awkward that I had to double check that my headphones were plugged in and my son couldn’t hear it oh god. This girl needs Jesus and a litter box.

SocialismSucks69 7 points ago +7 / -0

On mobile so this is the first time I’ve seen the sidebar. Glad to know I only grief myself lol! Its good to finally see it since I’ve only ever visited via mobile. Then again if you’re here for more than a month chances are those rules align pretty well anyways. I love this site. It used to be about 6 months ahead of the news cycle then it looked like Tim poll was reading p.w and then other places started and we are about one week ahead of the usual news places. Not the main tv ones. I’m talking YouTube exclusively.

SocialismSucks69 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean good actors make good movies but this one would have been an extra we’re it not for that face and Latina booty. Lol

SocialismSucks69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Uhhh how about we have a purge but instead of killing each other we throw all these commie arsonists in prison? Cash for commies gov program lol.

SocialismSucks69 3 points ago +3 / -0

Its almost like they came from there and just needed a sense of home to regain their pastry I mean posture.

SocialismSucks69 1 point ago +1 / -0

How about worlds most average male swimmer?

SocialismSucks69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oooh!! Check out the sino pages. They’re so lightning quick to ban anyone anti china/pro America itll make Stalin roll in his grave

SocialismSucks69 11 points ago +11 / -0

At least have a phone charger port so you can post to social media “I’m dying irl send thoughts and prayers”

SocialismSucks69 22 points ago +22 / -0

Donut operator has a great breakdown of this. When you shoot at police while being chased, stop the vehicle then run from them you leave way too many things to assume. There’s no space left for running away while potentially being armed while looking like you are reaching for a weapon AND having a deescalation that results in a non-shooting. Its police training that takes over and deals with the potentially armed guy evading police when he looks like he’s reaching for something. Its really an epidemic of a lack of respect for police/law enforcements training. Why poke a lion when you’re dressed as a steak? Its a gun control/anti-police psy-op.

SocialismSucks69 1 point ago +1 / -0

In Alaska I saw a lot of small buisnesses that were for sale. The majority of these would go to Alaska buisnesses that wanted a new place or realty companies that wanted to demo/build new. Then there was always a Chinese company not based in the us that would buy sone up. I saw a grocery store in big lake go to Chinese ownership. I could be wrong and it was just some locals making it sound bad but it’s nothing new. The Chinese either their people or their government love buying American buisnesses/soil.

SocialismSucks69 7 points ago +7 / -0

They played at Berkeley,ca last year and the lead singers been on jimmy fallon. Music videos depicting the devil as a friend/close companion to the Lead singer. Usual music stuff. Yawn.

Spent a few minutes on YouTube and that’s what popped up. A video about Japanese pancakes had more views than all of their videos combined.

SocialismSucks69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Doooooo it. Bgonthescene got the capitol building stuff years ago. You should definitely get some footage when pantyfa decide to show up. If they even do since it’s a purple city at best and not deep blue. Wonder why the freedom and gun loving pawn shop capital pawn got burned down? They were advocating for constitutional carry and gun training opportunities.

SocialismSucks69 5 points ago +5 / -0

Those larpers tried to mess around in Salem and a bunch of the neighborhood guys showed up armed. From then on they decided to only show up at the capitol building for “demonstrations”. They’ve been getting wrecked in Salem for years.

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