Sosnowski 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bring it. Better have some lunch and dinner.

Sosnowski 3 points ago +3 / -0

It will do the opposite of what theyre intending.

If certain individuals are abe to do things with computers, how much easier will it be to fake an ID when its ALL digital?

Sosnowski 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah! I see now, I did not have to take the ochem sequence so I wasnt exposed to that terminology.

Thanks for the info pede!

Sosnowski 1 point ago +1 / -0

When did this happen?

When I took my chemistry sequence 10 years ago for engineering we had no such terminology.

Is it something from biochem or organic chem?

Either way, appropriating a term from science to support their insanity is standard now.

Best to just ignore/ridicule these morons imo.

Sosnowski 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is that due to the smaller physical size of the reactor vessel and the modular nature of the system, mix of both?

Are these SMR using fresh conventional fuel or thorium or reprocessed fuels?

It would be sweet if they could do all 3.

Sosnowski 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah that SMR idea looks great!

Looks like youre spot on about the cost though, regulatory nightmare.

by panamax
Sosnowski 4 points ago +4 / -0

What a faggot.

Sosnowski 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm a strong proponent of nuclear power. In fact I went to school for an emerging "energy systems engineering" program at a state university over here. My intention waa to go toward the nuclear power field and attempt to raise awareness and try to shift public opinion. How naïeve I was!

As it turns out, even 10 years ago the wokism was creeping in. I had profs that hated that I was a blue-collar white guy trying to get the education I needed to go into that field. They actively made the classroom environment hostile and the grading was def biased. Since we worked in lots of groups between classes and had similar answers, we started noticing that certain individuals grades were lower or higher for the same work. Such is life.

I work on my own vehicles so I can buy old cheap cars and not support the agenda-of-the week which is also a double edged sword because I do something similar for work. The old saying goes "the mechanic's car gets worked on last." My commute is hard on cars. Its still cheaper than carrying a payment but not by much.

It sounds like the BEV works for your family's situation and thats good! I think that if the infrastructure is there then the tech will advance.

Imagine if we could use what Nikola Tesla was planning/discovered with power over air! That would solve a lot of problems with storage and distribution.

Maybe the fusion reaction that was published recently will be viable and able to be scaled up. Maybe it will be censored and memory holed like everything else that brings down costs and increases production unless it makes the right people money. Maybe the DOE will let us use breeder reactors so we can reprocess all the spent fuel rods sitting around instead of worrying about bad actors doing something with them. Who knows!

What I know is that God wins and we're all along for the ride!

Sosnowski 1 point ago +1 / -0

For some families a BEV makes sense. In your case, in your region it seems like it works decent. And thats good.

However, mandating and forcing the world to do something is not the way to accomplish the advances and improvements to the various systems, technology, processes and resources that are necessary to support a move like that.

Regardless of if all those things were mature enough to support it, forcing it is not the way. If it naturally and organically became a viable option for the masses that would be great.

Plus, here in america and other places as well I imagine, the companies responsible for such things DO NOT have the consumer's best interest in mind.

For example, have you heard of abiotic oil? Probably not but its a real thing that has been censored and suppressed so that the oil industries can maintain the facade that the resource will run out one day so that theyre free to manipulate the price and emotions to drive the market and politics surrounding it. Not to mention the military ops that have been based on one country controlling another's resource.

The idea that gas/oil are fossil fuels has been propogated to support more of the manufactured scarcity.

Some coal is fossil fuel, but what is bbq charcoal other than specially treated wood. There are people in other countries that male charcoal and sell it at markets to support their families. The energy density of that type of coal is different than power plant coal but the point stands that there is a difference between ff's and oil.

Coal power plants here in USA are some of the cleanest in the world but thats not good enough for this 'green' lobby, yet they are content to decommission nuclear plants and coal plants and remove hydro dams to push their agenda and to what end? More control more manufactured scarcity.

In the state of Georgia, USA, the first new nuclear plant in decades just went online April 1. It took 15 years to build. The first one in the state built back in the 1950's took 3 years to build. Its the greed and the agenda thats holding the general population back.

Thats not to say that we should not seek to improve the ICE, I believe in the tech strongly. Its viable and mature and can be improved tremendously. But again we run into the same roadblocks with the greed and agenda.

For example there was a gentleman that developed a carburetion system back in the 1980's that saw 70mpg! His voice was silenced and the information was censored and hidden.

How about gas/diesel turbochargers? Why did USA marques not use them when europe did? Using waste gas from the engine to improve the engine's pumping efficiency to more than 100% while lowering the emissions. Nope, USA said lets pump spent exhaust gasses back in to offset tailpipe emissions. We dont care that it drastically reduces the engines pumping efficiency but it makes it LOOK like weve done something good!

Good times create weak men and I think we're there again. USA has had a long period of prosperity but now weak men/communists have gained some control and we're feeling the effects.

Sosnowski 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can understand if someone has a 15kw home charger which is an 80a breaker or can find a supercharger station on the route. Lots of reaidential electrical panels lack the capacity to install one. Not to mention the local utility lack of overall capacity as well.

On the west coast BEV support is laughable at best and the lines to charge your car are long at times. Energy prices are manipulated heavily out here. Support dor teslas is not good where I am also-2hr drive to nearest dealership.

I think Elon is doing good stuff. I'm strongly considering starlink for the simple fact of if the local power goes down then the local utility's switch gear goes down too. If I'm on a solar or generator I'm still able to see out and figure out whats going on, providing that the starlink is still up.

I dont like apple products and I also dont like my vehicle being comnected to anything except my hands and feet and bottom.

Additionally my diesel pickup is also fast and can drive down the road for 4hrs as well and cost about 10k. Plus I can tow/haul what ever I please with it.

I would also argue that a turbo v8 audi or bmw i6 will definitely not be blown out of the water by a tesla unless were talking plaid car. Im talking 2015 vintage cars too that are used and can be had for 25-30k and with simple mods and tuning will run along with the plaids and have good fuel range still if not being beaten on constantly. But honestly a 600hp dsg turbo v8 or i6 awd is a fun daily. And I like the sound!

The tech/infrastructure and raw materials arent quite there for full BEV adoption yet imo.

Sosnowski 2 points ago +2 / -0

BEV's (Battery Electric Vehicles) get hate here and other places since its the manifestation of the elite's greed and forcing their agenda of control on the masses.

People are fed up with the lies and gaslighting regarding their effects on the envioronment. Not to mention the ignorance considering the amount of resources/infrastructure required to move towards a larger number of BEV on the road.

Personally I like to be able to put 14gal of fuel in my old car for $50 in less than 10 mins and drive it 350 miles. Rather than spend the same or more on charging and have to wait over an hour to get back underway.

The argument could be made to plan trips so the charging could take place at home but thats usually not realistic, not to mention if you dont personally incur the cost of a high wattage charger and wiring and electrical service panel then its sometimes 6hrs of charge time and money on the power bill. Lets be honest, theres way more fuel station than charging stations and it takes way less time to fill with liquid fuel than electrons.

Man's greed drives these issues. Why else can our gas/diesel vehicles not get better mileage than what they do now with gasoline direct injection than carburetion? Early 80's mazda cars and other small cars would get upwards of 35-40mpg! Old vw rabbit was 40-50mpg! Watch youtube old commercials and they advertise the mpg.

This is not an issue of technology, its an issue of manufactured scarcity so a body of individuals can exert their will over another body of individuals.

Sosnowski 2 points ago +2 / -0


Budweiser endorsed this trans as its spokesperson recently.

The tagline is from a 2015 can alluding to drinking enough of the beer to impair decision making.

My wife cleverly combined the two, since the whole trans community cant understand the thought that straights dont want them.

The beer would remove that safeguard and the rest is a blackout drunk lol.

Sosnowski 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes the sugar/parasite thread is interesting to pull on!

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