SpaceCadet0106 4 points ago +4 / -0

They think it’s brutal because this is the first time silicon valley is being directly impacted by wide spread lay offs something the blue collar workforce has experienced for decades. They thought they were untouchable. Life finds a way

SpaceCadet0106 2 points ago +2 / -0

How sexist, when do the local strippers get story hour with the children? That school administration has a serious misogyny issue that should be addressed

SpaceCadet0106 1 point ago +1 / -0

“What is a senator’s job?” That should be a required question before you get to vote for a senator.

SpaceCadet0106 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow! Thank you for this, it’s fascinating to see how others pick up on Biblical patterns. I do see many parallels with Jehu. I think the temple of Baal and Jan 6 was a stretch. I see the story as more of Jehu(Trump) inviting the Baal worshippers (Deep State) into a trap where they feel safe, and then at the right time annihilating every last one. The Jehu seems to do a great job of “draining” very nearly most of the “swamp” which pleases the LORD, greatly. But the very last excerpt mentions that Jehu failed to turn away from the ways of Jeroboam (golden calf worship in Bethel and Dan). I’ll have to look more into this golden calf worship, perhaps materialism? Hollywood, Media? Cali & New York? In conclusion because of his great work at annihilating Baal his sons will sit on the throne for 4 generations. 4 more years?

SpaceCadet0106 3 points ago +3 / -0

The DDT scenario was one of the first hallmark moments that national policy was established by screwy data in the name of environmentalism. Choosing “Saving” birds over the betterment of mankind. DDT was on its way to save thousands upon millions of lives in 3rd world countries but we let Bill Gates send them vaccines instead.

SpaceCadet0106 28 points ago +28 / -0

I was extremely vocally pro vaccine, got in heated arguments all the time . 2020 changed everything. I’ve since apologized to those I wouldn’t listen to.

SpaceCadet0106 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m at the point where if I accidentally broke my arm, I might just google how to set it myself to avoid going anywhere near doctors or pharma

SpaceCadet0106 1 point ago +2 / -1

For what’s is worth and this opinion will likely not be popular. We only have a small minute life to live and only a fraction of it is among family and friends. I would not at all subject myself to the shot no matter any circumstance I can think of, not even this one. But the olive branch is the mask. You can always voice your opinion of your disapproval of its function and how nothing will ever be normal again until we move past them, but as olive branch you could wear it this one time, to meet someone I imagine you will treasure for years to come. It’ll be a sacrifice, it’ll be submitting to their control, it’ll likely go against everything you believe in but it just might be an observable moment where you chose to put politics aside for family. Maybe they will learn something from it. Maybe it will move something within them, Maybe nothing will change at all. But I think you could hold your head up high while you hold her. Who knows we could all be nuked tomorrow.

SpaceCadet0106 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you my friend for all the kind words and well wishes:)

I’m taking calcium d-glucarate 500mg at breakfast and at dinner and DIM 200mg every morning. I will likely be adding Taurine once a day but it hasn’t arrived by mail yet. I’m also making sure to eat small bits of food throughout the day. As a stay at home mom I was constantly forgetting meals which stresses the liver. I also try not to shy away from carbs, make my entrees lean protein and have broccoli with dinner.

SpaceCadet0106 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes it is hereditary. My father has it as well. But we both have always been told it’s benign and nothing to worry about. Most people will have their first flare up during puberty because of the influx of hormones building up in your liver and causing the bilirubin to go up which will show up at routine physical exam. That’s how I was diagnosed. They will see that high bilirubin and start testing your for hepatitis and other liver problems, when you are negative for all those, they then realize you have Gilbert’s especially if a family member already has it. It’s caused by a mutation in the UGT1A1 gene. This mutation results in your body creating less bilirubin-UGT, an enzyme that breaks down bilirubin. Without proper amounts of this enzyme, your body can’t process bilirubin correctly. I’m now taking supplements that will boost the enzyme that breaks down the bilirubin and a couple others that will help the process.

SpaceCadet0106 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think the evil powers have now realized every time they try to eradicate Christianity out right it produces a generation of hardened “ultra right” (not a bad thing at all) conservative Christians, the strategy now if you look for it is happening on a subliminal submersible level “ If you can’t eradicate them, infiltrate them”. Example Methodist/LGBTQ, Pop/culture/Mainstream Christianity, Social Justice Christians etc. Something like only 13% of Christians read their Bible. That’s a 90% religious population that doesn’t even read its creed, it’s commandments, it’s beginning, it’s end. Completely Bible illiterate. We’ve seen what happens when you create generations of American illiterate children… I can’t imagine what seminary looks like these days, Academia is subverted in every other sector so to think Seminary has been spared is naive. The eventually goal is eradication yes, but I think the new strategy is bible illiteracy and church infiltration.

SpaceCadet0106 15 points ago +15 / -0

I kind of did the same thing unintentionally. We had horrible sugar ants all spring, kept having to find new ways to hide all the sugar. Once it was all locked up, I noticed they were continually after the toothpaste??? Why are sugar ants eating my toothpaste meant to clean sugar and food off of my teeth? So I switched all out toothpastes to fluoride free, xylitol toothpastes. No more ants… I also noticed they never went after our diet sodas and I thought well, if diet soda is garbage to ants maybe it should be garbage to me too. So cut out the diet sodas… am I better off now. Who knows. Just a day in the life of my personal observations of nature

SpaceCadet0106 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is why my family is done. DONE. With all and any vaccines. Who’s to stop them from putting any of that in MMR, DTAP, Chicken pox etc. and they wouldn’t even tell you, look how much they’ve lied so far…. We will just take our chances with any viruses out there and choose to lean all our trust in the LORD.

SpaceCadet0106 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’ve been thinking maybe that’s why NYC , and Cali, have turned into absolute crime ridden, disease infested, hell holes. Maybe God, is giving good people every reason to leave and every opportunity to leave before Sodom and Gomorrah, you know … sulfer and all.

Which brings back to the original story. (Side note: I feel all past stories are patterns and echos of present stories which are yet even just echos of the finally story) anyways original story God let’s Abraham know he’s going to wipe the evil cities off the planet. Abraham then begins to bargain, but what if there are 50 righteous, would you spare the city? God agrees then Abraham continues 45? 30? 20? And finally what if there were just 10 righteous in the city? Would you spare it for their sake? God agrees to this. Then unbeknownst to Abraham, God sends angles to gather out the only righteous left in the city Lots family. When they have successfully escaped, God unleashes his wrath on the city. Keeping his promise to Abraham, not one righteous fell, because He rescued them beforehand.

SpaceCadet0106 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where I come from my believing the Bible in its canon form today, Jesus Christ is the loving God of mankind and the only redemptive force to save humanity from eternal destruction. Where you’re coming from the Church has been over taken and the texts are false and the truth has been hidden. Jesus is a lie. It seems both of us are acting on a basis of faith alone on which texts hold the truth. I ask you my friend, is there anything or any sign that could come before you that would make you consider the love of Christ?

SpaceCadet0106 1 point ago +1 / -0

*long low whistle

Whew boy, I will not dismiss the fact that you have a great knowledge of old lost and buried histories. From what I can decipher from the comment alone is what you consider invaders I have know to be fallen angels and or in some case Nephilum (hybrids of humanity/beasts/fallen angles). You also have great understanding is Sumerian texts which I’ve always found to be an interesting skipped segment of history class, the Sumerian history being the first nearly successful One World Order. But it did not succeed… correct? Because here we are, in the midst of those old powers trying for that control once more. I think you should continue with this knowledge and gathering more from different sources not just the Richard fellow, he may have a lot of puzzle pieces but like every historian having some of the puzzle pieces doesn’t complete the picture. Where we struggle (you and I) to meet on the same terms is your divide from Jesus. I myself cannot convince you to be open to that again that is a choice to made on your own. But since you are so passionate on the subject and so thorough in the work, I do just ask that maybe perhaps, you go at it just once in a different direction. Perhaps look at it as in all the information you have gathered has lots of true factual components but consider that you have received them from a dark force that is asking you to see it from their point of view. You know doubt think a lot of Christian religion has purposely misled and hid things from the public for power. Now use that same skeptism with the story you have gathered so far. Likely the true real story could be somewhere in between trying desperately to break free. We are still in a world where much of everything is still chaos vs order, right vs wrong, dark vs light, truth vs lies. So whatever the honest to goodness true story is, by natural law of the universe there should be a good vs bad substance to it. Good luck my friend. I do envy your passion and time you’ve taken to find all these hidden things. Keep going! Your findings so far of great interest to me. I will keep you in my prayers whether you like it or not ;) because I think you have a true gift !

SpaceCadet0106 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are you of the American persuasion for mystery Babylon? Or another theory? I’m interested.

SpaceCadet0106 1 point ago +1 / -0

But don’t take my word for it, look into it some more yourself. It’s certainly a divisive hot topic even in the midst of church. But perhaps it’s a paper trail of new angle you havent been exposed to previously.

SpaceCadet0106 1 point ago +1 / -0

The original Greek of the New Testament had the word “Harpazo” : to be caught up, snatched away. This is mentioned especially in Thessalonians, and the history of the letter to Thessalonians is that Paul spent 3 weeks teaching there, left, and then they received a a forged letter claiming to be Paul telling them deceptive theology, from whatever this forged letter said the Thessalonians were now in a panic because they were under the impression they had somehow missed the rapture, so Paul lays out his teachings again via the letter of Thessalonians explaining how the “harpazo” will come about. This term the “harpazo” is the original it is greek. Later these letters would be translated into Latin, the Latin translation of harpazo is “raptura” thus rapture. Im not here to argue pre trib, mid trib, post trib etc. for I don’t think any of those three opinions have any merit on one’s salvation. But I don’t like the Willy nilly theories that the rapture concept is a modern idea. The idea was there at the foundation of the church with the earliest of believers.

SpaceCadet0106 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sorry, but “never again” isn’t an option, perhaps “never again” for our generation, but for mankind, it will always end this way. Always. Right now we are merely experiencing the echos of a an unstoppable future that has been hurtling towards us since the fall in Genesis. Again, it will always end this way until the rightful king returns and reclaims his rightful throne, bringing restoration to a fallen world and redemption to every willing man.

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