I'm looking forward to the full awakening. I lost a friend of 15 years this week who unfortunately drank the koolaid since the start of covid and is so infected with TDS that he and his wife walled off their family to everyone around them. I hope he isn't one of the ones lost forever.
Praying for good things coming your way my man! Merry Christmas and god bless!
Two different outcomes from two different sources.
Lowering income tax doesn't cost the employer anything extra. It puts no additional burden on them that could force them to change their hiring practices, layoff workers, or be forced to increase prices to avoid potential bankruptcy. When wages go up it drags everything up with it because the money has to be made back at the expense of the people. When taxes go down the burden doesn't increase on the employers so there's no risk of people being forced out of business or forced to sell / layoff.
We want people to have more money but there are ways to do it
50k from Kentucky might be enough to swing Jefferson county red. That would be hilarious
Far right, always far right or alt right. I'd love to hear one of those braindead journalists or even just the average liberal tell me what a normal average acceptable right wing voter looks like to them. What exists as the right that they deem appropriate for us to stray from. Or do they consider anyone right of Stalin a far right fascist
Rand can't always be right I suppose
I expect them to push for Andy Beshear at some point. Twice "elected" Democrat governor of a deep red state will be a huge talking point to try and sell him as a moderate
Great to know, thank you!
I can be both :)
Yep, here, AP, and Patriots all 3
Something was wrong with the Florida numbers, they were reporting over 100m for a bit
He was just blatantly on the KY ballot
Good lord that comment section. I'm starting to doubt that the percent lost forever is single digit....
There was a woman in front of me that was wearing a shirt that had a lot of crap on the back like
"Vote like you were Black" "Vote like your child was transgender"
Just like 12 lines of that. Other than that it felt pretty standard. Pretty red area of KY
Ron Paul is the only man I would've ever voted for above Trump in the 2016 election. I would give quite a lot to see him in a position to hit the federal government where it hurts
Truth be told I'm kind of terrified of the possibility of mortgage rates going down. Last time they were that low over 80% of residential property purchases were investment corps for almost 2 years straight and that was a huge part of why prices skyrocketed 60% in 5 years. Borrowing money was free so they just did it infinitely.
Rates being that high is killing my home search but I can't compete for a house if they start that up again snatching up every property for 15% above asking with no contingencies within 24 hours of listing
There's definitely plenty of places to disappear to if he was properly prepared, towns in basically every direction. If he managed to find an easy route east into some of the smaller areas they might not find him for a year if they even do
Lol, I was a day 1 account on TDW when it was made in the event the subreddit got banned. It was definitely more topical at the time
Army reserves together
Yep, between Mt. Vernon exit and London north exit
Just for anyone doubting this one too hard, this happened about 2 miles from my house. I keep seeing posts about his name and things but this guy was in my brothers unit and he identified him name and all just off the picture
I don't wanna give too many details to not dox myself but I can 100% verify that police were screaming past my house for the better part of an hour lights and sirens blaring well before news broke anywhere
I still don't trust the details of exactly what went down but I can at least confirm the location, his name, and that there was major activity here of some kind. They were routing traffic northbound west towards somerset to hit the turn towards mt vernon to bypass that section of the interstate
Happened 2 miles from my house. Dude was in my brother's unit in the army. Brother completely beside himself over it and said he never would've seen it coming from him
Don't wanna give too many more details to not dox myself but yea this one came out of left field
Shooting was around the interstate area and from what I heard while it was going on it wasn't anywhere that would've been easy for people to see or fight back from. Otherwise he would not have lasted very long here
And lowering the interest rates without some additional regulation on corporations buying residential property could lead to another massive price spike like a few years ago. Interest rates were so low that borrowing money might as well have been free and for nearly 2 years over 80% of home sales were to investment corps and prices skyrocketed and never came back down. The average american can't compete in the housing market no matter how low rates are when every home is bought at 15% above asking within 48 hours of listing