That's not true at all. There have been sveral occassions where I cannot post memes and info here....all because I said "two moar weeks, guys!"
Ya, that's called Cope because what they believed would happen didnt. Like when a prophet has to recalculate his Armageddon date because we all woke up here the nect day, and his followers just go along with it. The other side is playing too, not everything is in some way a win for our side....
We enjoyed this two months ago when it was all over the board!
Those folks live in the rural areas, city folk are city folk, even in Texas.
I'm sorry to read that. It seems to me that should research that! But then, they are a part of that system we all love so much....
Have you reached out to St. Judes Hospital in Memphis. They treat childhood cancers sans charge. I believe a place to stay is also provided. They cured my ex's son who had downs and cancer. And many others....
Hiw did such once hardy people become so docile and weak?
Just a reminder thay your average teacher is a lazy piece of shit, but the upstanding member of the community they want you to believe they are.
Unions be like that.
the cope is strong in this one!
Lol. International agreements aren't worth much if you can't enforce them.
Calm down, Seattle will never be anything other than blue. What are expecting from thw epicenter of this foolishness?
the ones that aren't felons
I mean, we all know that's bs, but at the same time, how do we knkw from this tiny clip that they arent on a fex
Whoa, that Russian dude has an AI voice and speaks great English w no russian accent or cadenece. ghey
a chiro with glow in his name, I'll pass
Soldiers w one stripe are the ones that do all the work! Or was he just saying they don't matter because they are all white?
So what are thise specific plans you speak if? I believe that was the crux of the question....
Sure, I teach at a suburban tn high school. Every year for my five at this school, the Muslim population has been increasing. I even had me a little posse that hung out all the time and were trying to convert me. A couple graduated, but the rest have vanished. From 250 ish student to like three dudes and a couple girls. Not sure if they moved to Detroit, started a madrassa, or what?!?
I noticed almost all the muzzie kids at the school i work in are no longer there. we were at 10% of 2500 and now its crickets. concerning.
Ahhh shit. The Juice is loose!
And yet, the author completely made this up...