Agree. Like, dude! You're a friggin' engineer too! You know the Q.C. and validations a new design or process need to pass muster. . Of course, I'm contributing to the company, now approve my effing Req's, now!
At least from Civics, when it was taught, the Eagle's head is turned toward the arrows in it's tallons, in a state of war.
Haha. My wife says. "I knew you'd come around"
Ahh. Memories of awakend graphicsfags spotting layers and clipping masks inside the released document.
This is Gold, and I look forward to seeing this more. Imagine wringing their hands about "the children", when that's exactly who wasn't served by this department.
Hey Purkiss, (long time listener, first time caller, here)
Aren't the white populations more indigenous than the black population? Weren't they in fact imported from the central African areas a full 100/150 years after the white population?
Wasn't it going around on various rumble-casters, that 36 trillion was paid towards the US debt. I believe this was somtime in 2023? Note: I think one of them was Charlie Ward, so there's that ~
Runway 33 & Runway 24
I'd watch my 6 anywhere near places named after presidents. . Jus sayin'
Oh, man! That's the new mission: Primary every RINO. Digg in on every RINO; family business ties, money, citizenship, gifts (from who ?) etc., etc.
Without a disclosure of where we are as beings in the universe, in relation to other beings, i fear the cabal will just simmer in the background only to boil over once again with Machiavellian scemes against real freedom.
Thankfully in poorer and mid income suburbs, every 20th house keeps chickens now. Most begin to realize "oh no. What am i gonna do with all these eggs." Thats where i come in : p
Cats Claw tinticure. Helps inflammation in gut and joints.
Frankincense. Also good for infamation and gut.
Bee Pollen granuals. Immunity. Energy. Verve. Allergies
Golden Teacher. It's helpful
Hmm. Democrats putting caps on premiums VS Insurance company execs.
Not gonna lie, it's like watching two filthy rats fighting in the subway tracks. . Who cares who looses?
They rent you an umbrella, then take it away when it starts raining.
- Insurance Business Model
"OMG, we need to have some sort of kill switch in every car so that 'the authorities' can shut any car down and keep us safe". . . . in 3, 2, 1..
1+9+2+5 = there's that number again ; )
Not just 5D chess, but 5D every thing
Also we can cut their perks, and the employer 's perks, so that any H1B'ers must demand an unsubsidized wage, thus driving up wages for Americans. We the taxpayer have been paying the difference for years.
In the mid 80s I started reading up on who really got JFK (High Treason), then (Veil). On a jobsite, I talked to an old guy who seemed to like some of my early digs. He gave me a bunch of his back issues of Spotlight and JB Society newspapers. When I got back to the jobsite next day, I told him I was floored, wow. All that stuff is going on? ! ?
So right. I'm questioning the whole ball of wax. Like, how we are living, what is money, our edited holy books... you name it
In the mid 80s I started reading up on who really got JFK. On a jobsite, I talked to an old guy who seemed cool. He gave me a bunch of his back issues of Spotlight and JB Society papers. When I got back to the jobsite next day, I was floored, wow. All that stuff is going on? ! ?
I'm keeping the (at least) 72 hr rule, which is also why I don't cheer too loud for "good" things. - I like the parable about the old chief who said "We'll see" no matter what happened. Helps during asymmetrical warfare
I believe, yes. It has something to do withe Ace-2 inhibitiors, or lack of, in each person. From other posts Ive gleaned here, both CV and the Vax affect their functionality
Typically the "hair metal" bands were quite hetero, back in the day. . Of course, that aspect may have been co-opted by tranies, so there's that.