Nessun Dorma.
Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business.
This town needs an enema!
Don’t forget all the alternative lifestyles.
The guy on Rogen saying that she talked in gypsy curses 🤣.
Winston was particularly inebriated that day.
Say it ain’t so!
That’s right. And stop calling me Shirley.
Hopefully, hanged as well.
I remember seeing him do that at a campaign speech in 2016. Filled me with hope.
Mohenjo Daro?
We are “led “ by a confederacy of dunces.
Donald Trump shines in moments like this. “ In case of emergency, break glass.”
Top men. Top. Men.
Why are they detaining him? Jaywalking? Spitting on the sidewalk?
I missed the part where our greatest ally fought by our side in Korea and Vietnam.
What was it Schwarzkopf said? “It’s God’s job to judge them, it’s our job to arrange the meeting.”
Probably correlates with the number of people who admit to having no internal monologue.
Epstein was assigned to cover the financial and political “elites “. Combs handled sports and entertainment.
What a man!
Big friend and ally of the Clintons.
Does he still have the lump on his neck?