Needless to say, the ring of fire is really starting to look like a ring of fire.
This shit scares me LOL
It's quite a ways off coast:
Is that an area that is frequently active? (seismically)
We need to figure out how to reverse this bullshit deathjab. Does that mean people who had COVID are suffering from the spike protein in this way?
I didn't read in the study that it came from the jabs specifically, just the spike protein associated with the virus. Bad news all around. Injecting yourself with a concentrated solution with a spike protein doesn't seem wise to begin with.
imma go take some IV just in case ;)
I got almost the same exact email from our HR as you have posted.
My boss has reminded me about 6 times in the past 2 weeks to get vaccinated or file an exemption. All 6 times I haven't said a word.
I can tell under her mask there is a big shit-eating grin when she mentions it too. She's been just praying I cave LOL. Fuck these commies
I feel bad for all of the people who actually got it against their will at my work and now have found out it isnt required.
I was at walmart for an hour today just trying to return something.
They straight up shut off the lights in the customer service dept because they couldn't get the system to process any refunds. After them rebooting their system a couple times, I said screw it and left
Could just be the one walmart though.
Without the Vax we would be on indefinite lockdowns.
Everyone who has taken the vax has done so voluntarily (except rare cases)
Now what I want to understand is why he won't speak up about the heart problems and clotting
Thx Fren. Deleted. I shoulda done more research
Thx Fren. Deleted. I shoulda done more research
hahaha I suck at grammar. Does adding the comma solve the problem?
This is where I always go to find the best silver/gold prices. They compare every bullion dealer and show you the cheapest in a very simple breakdown.
Wish I had found this site years ago LOL
Quote from Ashton Symm, youtube commenter
Linking through studies may just be the way to go.
Thank you for the links, you seriously rock!
Time for me to start digging around!
Between the Maxwell and Smollett ones, I'm dying!
Wow. I never knew how much of a gangster Gandhi was! Thank you for sharing!
Stand alone. Against the world.
Thank God we aren't fighting this fight alone. The 'elites' are the ones who are alone and their future is hopeless
Here it is:
Holy Shit. Read this guys 'about me'
He is truly a man who has dedicated his life to science. People like him need to me memorialized
Who's been allowed recently?
Friends and coworkers who laughed at me for many years are now awake. And NOT thanks to me either! It truly is a mass awakening and it is so amazing!
This shit is all coming to light and it is becoming mainstream. It's getting to the point that nobody can hide what is/has happened.
This dude might need to be arrested... Sounds to me like China intentionally dropped a sick person off in the USA during a 'pandemic'
The odds of this trial starting during Mandate Season are incredibly improbable.
They can show off all of those sex toys with extreme detail... Yet, simply saying the word "fuck" is not allowed on tv
Time to throw the Tv's out!
Kyle needs to make sure there is no non disclosure agreement for these payouts. People need to see what happens when you attempt to destroy a persons life just so you can run a narrative.
I've never heard of a shepherd having his lambs eaten by lions... Wolves, yes. But lions, no.