Yes but, the point is that u.s oil companies are not profiting from gas price increases. Foreign ones and the middle men are.
Again the effects of this so called vaccine are going to get to the point that they won't be able hide anymore. These cockroaches in the parliament knew this was the case all along. Right from the beginning but, now they are playing ignorant so as to fob off the blame on some unimportant patsies. Remember most of us knew this vaccine was very bad news, especially when they tried to force it down our throats. If we common ppl has excess to this info so early in the game, also means that they did too. They are sickos that all should be hung.
No not some of the weapons but, all of them. This article basically sets up a false narrative to explain away why the weapons we gave to the Ukraine are ending up in China or other hostile nations.
Just remember this little tid bit. Whenever we get in involved in wars 1000s of miles away it is because some cockroach or cockroaches, want to profit off it. Cse in point: the reason why we invaded Iraq was because sadam broke away from the petrol-dollar and offered it's oil to be bought with any currency. The reason we invaded Afghanistan was the same reason that we went into Vietnam. To increase the profits of the military industrial sector in a long war that we couldn't win because of the policies of conducting the war that were designed to keep the war going, CIA wanted those poppy fields, and the Federal Reserve wanted the debt to increase in leaps and bounds.
You can protect yourself by using metal barriers. What the metal doesn't absorb, the rest of the radio waves get dispersed or deflected. Guess the tin foil hat wearers were right (although they used it for different reasons but, that's another story).
Already setting up the false narrative so that the mass fraud won't get questioned.
but but all the scientists we paid to say climate change is real said climate change is real. Al whore said so too. So did the obamanoid, and Xiden. They said the debate was over after getting off their gas guzzling jets.
Don't be surprised if you don't hear a peep of protest from those eco nut jobs.
It's the only way these cockroaches can get elected.
Yeah those two companies get there profits not from oil or natural gas price hikes but, from huge government subsidies and tax breaks for developing green energy. Oh and without those perks given to them, green energy projects would not be profitable, thus not sustainable. P.S Solar panels fields and wind farms go bankrupt without a constant supply of u.s taxpayer money.
That city is a utter joke.
They are always selective when the use the word "illegal"
Wish I can say this is new to me but, the fact is that this has been going on for some time now.
It dropped because of the hostility that white males receive in these institutions. The staffers are totally composed of minorities (who hate white men) or Karens. The professors are ALL socialists and base your grade on your skin color, gender, your political leanings, or if you are a homosexual or not. Vocational schools is where one should go to develop real skills. No one gets rich because of college. It is usually the ones that work part time jobs (or full time) during HS that prosper.
Doesn't say u.s oil companies. The ones who made a killing were the middle men ( like the bush crime family) and foreign owned oil companies.
Hitler wrote that if the Jews every do make a nation for themselves, the nation will be called Israel (not Judea) and they will use it as a sanctuary to run to if they get caught in their host nation for committing a crime. -1922
Other than adding more on this list, just replace the word "fired" with the word "jailed" or "executed" and I'll would be happy.
Nothing but, little weasels that are distancing themselves from the blow back that they knew all along was coming from the effects of their so called vaccine that they forced down ppls throats, for the last two years. You just watch no one will be held accountable for their tyrannical tactics they used pushing this toxin on ppl.
Yeah little late for that since the Danish government forced this toxin into 80% of their population. Of course illegal immigrates were excluded.
Guess he left out the ones that were murdered during the "summer of love" and the men women and children that died taking the jab.
The crooks don't care.
How? It's landlocked and surrounded by E.U puppet nations.
So only now they are analyzing it? Little late for that.
Moderate libtards open the door for extremist libtards because what is considered radical today will be moderate tomorrow.